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Loud Noise on Startup

i get a random "pop" noise. doesnt fit the description of any of these listed. does not sound like metal on metal at all, almost an artificial sound. i run 89 or 91 octane.
2020 4X4 1500 quad cab Tradesman same issue
Ram 1500 sport 2019 same issue
i get a random "pop" noise. doesnt fit the description of any of these listed. does not sound like metal on metal at all, almost an artificial sound. i run 89 or 91 octane.

Hi all,

If you decide to address this with your dealers, please be sure to follow up with us via private message. I would be more than happy to escalate cases on your behalf so that a specialist can work alongside both you and your dealer to try and get this remedied as soon as possible.

Pretty ridiculous it’s been so long and FCA still doesn’t have a fix for this.
I don't think there is a fix. That is if you are talking about #1 (#1: There is a loud "clank" which happens once, very quickly, like a hammer hitting the drive shaft; affected greatly by pushing (or not) the brake pedal. This is not normal, not every truck does it, and the ones that do, shouldn't). I honestly think there is something inherent in the design. I had this happening a lot and thought my truck was falling apart; until I learned not to hold the brake pedal in when starting. Since I have changed my starting method, it isn't an issue at all.
I don't think there is a fix. That is if you are talking about #1 (#1: There is a loud "clank" which happens once, very quickly, like a hammer hitting the drive shaft; affected greatly by pushing (or not) the brake pedal. This is not normal, not every truck does it, and the ones that do, shouldn't). I honestly think there is something inherent in the design. I had this happening a lot and thought my truck was falling apart; until I learned not to hold the brake pedal in when starting. Since I have changed my starting method, it isn't an issue at all.
I can achieve the same solution or result as you mentioned by turning up the radio really loud so I don't hear the "clank" any more.. Doesn't change the fact there is still an issue that needs to be addressed.
I have not heard it again for over 7 or 8 months. No matter the starting procedure, I hasn't come back even though I've actually tried to replicate the sound.

However, I can get the multiple clanking sound if I cold start the truck and turn if off shortly after, say after 20 seconds or so. Then leave it overnight without driving. When I turn it again in the morning, I will get 3-4 clanks in a row at start-up. I think it's related to oil drain in the system due to the brief cold start and shut-off. Luckily, this is something I don't do often.
It's the park lock mechanism in the trans I believe. Pretty sure its normal. Its a loud clank type noise, doesn't always happen, I think its got something to do with the load on the trans after parked. There is a message in the cluster display stating something about it. This trans doesn't use a conventional shift cable and i think it does something to lock the trans so it comes out of park easy, kinda like the old days when you put a auto in park and it rolls back a bit, then when you yank on the lever, it is hard and would clank. Just my opinion though, I'm not worried about it. Doesn't happen all the time, I'v noticed it more on hills, but I also set my park brake every time before shifting into park, so that would probably help.
Great reply. I usually put mine in park then aply the parking break. Ill try aplying the break before going into park
Any solutions, I have been getting these loud clunks on usually morning cold starts or when truck has been parked for long periods. Its the same clunk you guys are describing. Has anyone find the issue? Thanks in advance
Any solutions any one? Recalls? Repairs? Thank you blessings
So far ive been real quick off the break on start up. And no issues. As soon as i press start i release the break rather then hold it. Which is what im used too. Hope it helps
So far ive been real quick off the break on start up. And no issues. As soon as i press start i release the break rather then hold it. Which is what im used too. Hope it helps

Yes I also try that and it does work. It usually only on start ups when car has been off for some time. So on cold starts or long periods of time when it has been not driven i lightly press on break and does work. Though fca should find a solution asap. I mean idk if all trucks do it or not
Yes I also try that and it does work. It usually only on start ups when car has been off for some time. So on cold starts or long periods of time when it has been not driven i lightly press on break and does work. Though fca should find a solution asap. I mean idk if all trucks do it or not
Fully agreed do you have a loud noise while its running as well. I posted it on my you tube at desert style. My account is the one with my red dodge dart. Please check it out and shed some help on the subject. The noise is unfamiliar to me . Thanks sir
Fully agreed do you have a loud noise while its running as well. I posted it on my you tube at desert style. My account is the one with my red dodge dart. Please check it out and shed some help on the subject. The noise is unfamiliar to me . Thanks sir
Hmm i checked it out and no i do not thing i get that sound. I do get some other sound which is not frequent. Like when i am decelerating on a red light and before stopping it changes green. I re accelerate and does a sound on the bottom of the cab. Idk how to describe it its not frequent. Rn my mayor issue is the loud clank/ clunk on cold starts. Its a loud bang we all describe here. I try to avoid it barely stepping on the break when i push start. On remote start it does not do it. Only on push start the first start on the morning or when truck has been stop for long time like 4 hrs or so. First start only. I can turn it off right when it does it and start it again and wont do it. Idk what causes it we all have that issue here. I can manage to avoid it light press break on push start but what if u lend the truck to your dad and he hears the sound clunk it sucks what will they say brand new truck and has a loud bang. Or when u forget to lightly press and u are riding with ppl and they hear the bang. Kinda embarrassing for a new truck. We gotta arrange if anyone finds a solutions, know about a recall let others know so we can address it together. Also if i find a solution or something ill let u guys know
Hmm i checked it out and no i do not thing i get that sound. I do get some other sound which is not frequent. Like when i am decelerating on a red light and before stopping it changes green. I re accelerate and does a sound on the bottom of the cab. Idk how to describe it its not frequent. Rn my mayor issue is the loud clank/ clunk on cold starts. Its a loud bang we all describe here. I try to avoid it barely stepping on the break when i push start. On remote start it does not do it. Only on push start the first start on the morning or when truck has been stop for long time like 4 hrs or so. First start only. I can turn it off right when it does it and start it again and wont do it. Idk what causes it we all have that issue here. I can manage to avoid it light press break on push start but what if u lend the truck to your dad and he hears the sound clunk it sucks what will they say brand new truck and has a loud bang. Or when u forget to lightly press and u are riding with ppl and they hear the bang. Kinda embarrassing for a new truck. We gotta arrange if anyone finds a solutions, know about a recall let others know so we can address it together. Also if i find a solution or something ill let u guys know
Damn so you dont have the loud whinning or squeaking noise towards the end of my video huh. Imma have to take it to the dealer . Thank you. And yes we sure do.
Damn so you dont have the loud whinning or squeaking noise towards the end of my video huh. Imma have to take it to the dealer . Thank you. And yes we sure do.
No bro tbh i haven’t heard it prob haven’t checked it out on mine well. I am going to pay close attention tomorrow first start Hope if someone finds a solution here lets us know
Hi all,

If you decide to address this with your dealers, please be sure to follow up with us via private message. I would be more than happy to escalate cases on your behalf so that a specialist can work alongside both you and your dealer to try and get this remedied as soon as possible.

RamCares any solutions. There is an issue with the truck starting up con cold start. Loud bang. It does not sound normal at all
Damn so you dont have the loud whinning or squeaking noise towards the end of my video huh. Imma have to take it to the dealer . Thank you. And yes we sure do.
Please do not hesitate to follow up with us via private message on this. I would be more than willing to escalate a case on your behalf for further support as you work with your dealer!
RamCares any solutions. There is an issue with the truck starting up con cold start. Loud bang. It does not sound normal at all
If you are willing to address this with your dealer, I would like to escalate a case on your behalf as well. This will provide the dealership and yourself with an individual who will review your concern, then assist you and the dealership in exhausting all available resources to have the concern addressed and resolved.

Our team is always a private message away to get that process started.

My 2013 did it, my 2014 did it, my father's 2015 does it, and my 2020 does it. I had my 2014 for almost 50k miles, never any issues resulting from it. Father's had his 2015 for almost 50k, no issues with his either.
Not saying its something that shouldn't be fixed, but I'm not worried about it as an issue.

Its one loud clank, only if I remote start it. To start it in the truck, my foot is on the brake (push button), so maybe that is why I don't hear it when inside, as others have stated.
My 2013 did it, my 2014 did it, my father's 2015 does it, and my 2020 does it. I had my 2014 for almost 50k miles, never any issues resulting from it. Father's had his 2015 for almost 50k, no issues with his either.
Not saying its something that shouldn't be fixed, but I'm not worried about it as an issue.

Its one loud clank, only if I remote start it. To start it in the truck, my foot is on the brake (push button), so maybe that is why I don't hear it when inside, as others have stated.
I think its another clunk you might be talking. Not sure but as u describe it, it is. This clunk/ loud banging does not do it when remote start. Only does it when u push start the truck on cold starts. It sounds as if something is hit with a hammer in the bottom. There is several videos on youtube. Put ram rebel 2019 start up noise. You should see them. Not only rebels do it. Also other 2019 rams do it too. Once again when u remote start it does not do it. Only on push start.
Just curious, has any one notice thay if u do not put the hand brake, does it still do it when u cold start the truck? Do u still hear the clunk/bang when u push start the truck the next morning?

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