Anyone have issues with losing the Sirius XM preset stations?
I am SO grateful, to have found this thread discussion! It's 2020-June and, clearly, this is an ongoing issue for consumers. I blame the Car Dealerships, as well as SiriusXM, as neither party bothers to inform consumers .. or (more likely) they are clueless to begin with.
Here's your solution. While the following video is for a different vehicle brand, the principal should be relative the same .. or, at least, a good starting point to assist in your own, personal resolution / discussion with your dealership.
At 0:19 and 0:55 this "feature" (issue) is discussed. In summary, your KeyFob is likely RESTORING the last known set of PRESETS, at the time your Memory Profile was saved. In other words, if you saved your favorite seat and side mirror positions, you likely (inadvertently) also saved your Radio Presets. This feature actually has nothing to do with SiriusXM, however, one would think they would be aware and lend insight to callers (such as myself) who contacted them to complain that our Radio Presets were being replace and/or removed / change / deleted at "random" intervals. Instead, SiriusXM says it's not their fault and instructs to contact the dealership.
I hope this post is helpful and alleviates the frustration that I, too, was experiencing, prior to discovering this nifty feature.