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Let’s see your Dogs!

Hers is our Rhodesian Ridgeback pup, 9 months and still growing like a bad weed! The first photo is at 3 months! She is already longer and taller than our 3 year old on the last photo!


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Hers is our Rhodesian Ridgeback pup, 9 months and still growing like a bad weed! The first photo is at 3 months! She is already longer and taller than our 3 year old on the last photo!
Looks like in the first pic with the rocks, she is trying to recreate a scene from the Lion King. 😀
Looks like in the first pic with the rocks, she is trying to recreate a scene from the Lion King. 😀
Lol, never thought of that but they are African dogs 🐕 mix of great dane, hound, and wild African dogs which is where they get the backwards Mohawk on their back. Oh and the pups name is Simba from lion 🦁 king! Kids named her


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I've always been a Boxer fan. The top photo is Emma, she was the grand lady of all we been blessed with.
The middle one is Gracie, she is always near by and up for anything.
The bottom is Sadie. Always watchful. Wants to be in the middle of whatever is going on.
Never a dull moment with these two resident geniuses!
I've always been a Boxer fan. The top photo is Emma, she was the grand lady of all we been blessed with.
The middle one is Gracie, she is always near by and up for anything.
The bottom is Sadie. Always watchful. Wants to be in the middle of whatever is going on.
Never a dull moment with these two resident geniuses!
My boxer/Amstaf mix is the same way, he is an attention hoe! Sweet as honey though and SUPER athletic. I got him from a shelter FOR my Amstaf, so I got a dog for my dog. They are best buds, inseparable from jump.
Before I got him, I never thought another dog or animal of any kind could wear out my Amstaf...I stand corrected, he will run circles in the backyard long after she is belly-flopped frog-legged panting on the kitchen floor.
FWIW, the Amstaf is named Wuteva, Teva for short because that is that breeds temperament (Play on words "What Ever"), and my dude is Brees named after my favorite quarterback of all time Drew Brees. Mainly because of his colors, but later found it fitting, because she can't ever "sack" him, he is just too quick and outmaneuvers her. I'm a proud owner of the pair.
My boxer/Amstaf mix is the same way, he is an attention hoe! Sweet as honey though and SUPER athletic. I got him from a shelter FOR my Amstaf, so I got a dog for my dog. They are best buds, inseparable from jump.
Before I got him, I never thought another dog or animal of any kind could wear out my Amstaf...I stand corrected, he will run circles in the backyard long after she is belly-flopped frog-legged panting on the kitchen floor.
FWIW, the Amstaf is named Wuteva, Teva for short because that is that breeds temperament (Play on words "What Ever"), and my dude is Brees named after my favorite quarterback of all time Drew Brees. Mainly because of his colors, but later found it fitting, because she can't ever "sack" him, he is just too quick and outmaneuvers her. I'm a proud owner of the pair.
I learned about Boxer's from my Grandparents as an infant. Grew up with their Boxer. 60 + years later an it's still Boxer's. I can't imagine not having a Boxer or two around.
The story behind my avatar is this. One day last winter I was sort of rough housing around with them which escalated to hot laps around the dining room table, the ultimate sin according to my wife. I had to settle them down before she got home and we all three got into trouble. I scolded them a second time, for our own good!, and about 5 minutes later they start that crap in the picture.

Give them all a good life and go with it, you can't go wrong.
This is Andy chillin in the ole 4th gen. He's my sidekick and goes everywhere with me.

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What breed is Andy?
He looks a lot like our Border Collies when they were little (Sunny below at 3 months):
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(Buddy elow at 3 months; Sunny in background at 3-1/2 years):
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What breed is Andy?
He looks a lot like our Border Collies when they were little (Sunny below at 3 months):
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They do look a lot alike. We aren't exactly sure what breed because he is a rescue. The vet thinks maybe Collie and Pomeranian mix. He def has a Pomeranian tail.
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First picture is Louie our Golden / Newfoundland mix. He is a big boy 115lbs and the biggest baby on the planet. Got him off Craigslist as a companion for our pure bred Golden Sammy in the 2nd picture. We got her when she was 6 weeks old. She was the absolute best dog anyone could ever ask for. We lost her to cancer 2 years ago at only 7 years old. I still miss her every day. And so does Louie.886BCEA8-899D-47B6-B404-38720B798E19.jpeg957B7150-8DE5-433D-9380-8E5D1563C98C.jpeg
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They do look a lot alike. We aren't exactly sure because he is a rescue. The vet thinks maybe Collie and Pomeranian mix. He def has a Pomeranian tail.
Andy definitely has Collie coloring and general shape, but small nose and overall size of a Pomeranian. He's a handsome fellow for sure!

First picture is Louie our Golden / Newfoundland mix. He is a big boy 115lbs and the biggest baby on the planet. Got him off Craigslist as a companion for our pure bred Golden Sammy in the 2nd picture. We got her when she was 6 weeks old. She was the absolute best dog anyone could ever ask for. We lost her to cancer 2 years ago at only 7 years old. I still miss her every day. And so does Louie.View attachment 121571View attachment 121572
It's crazy how much dogs take to little kids. We got Xena (Lab/Malamute) when my daughter was one and they are total bffs. She sleeps with her every night. PXL_20211107_024126212.jpg
This was 3 years ago

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