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ESC nearly killed me !

Wow. This certainly went way off the rails fairly easily. Rest assured I'm not about to try the 4hi on freeway 'test'. I was hoping to learn something from all the Ram folks here but I seem to have created a forum for bickering over nothing. A passionate bunch we all seem to be. Ok. Moving forward since I finally will have a little time off the next few days I think I will have a look at whatever sensors I can easily access. Wheel speed etc. And then if there's nothing obvious wrong I will try and identify and pull the appropriate fuse and see what happens there. Any additional and constructive info is still welcomed and greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone.
I'm on a lot of forums, this is the only one with this level of bickering.
And the ratio of bickering:useful or accurate advice is bad. Real bad.

I'd be checking:
1) Wheel Speed Sensors
2) Brake Proportion Valving
3) Unusual wear on brake pads on offending wheel vs. other front wheel.

I'd be less inclined, in fact would never, spend any time hunting for a programming solution to any such stability system. WHAT it is doing is likely called for. The EFFECT of what is doing is not good, lies with the execution which might lie with the above systems.

OP sounds like he's got enough experience to know not to run 4HI through any major on pavement turns, regardless of speed. Once you learn for a FACT that is not ok to do, it sticks with you long after the prop shaft and tcase are repaired.
Wow. This certainly went way off the rails fairly easily. Rest assured I'm not about to try the 4hi on freeway 'test'. I was hoping to learn something from all the Ram folks here but I seem to have created a forum for bickering over nothing. A passionate bunch we all seem to be. Ok. Moving forward since I finally will have a little time off the next few days I think I will have a look at whatever sensors I can easily access. Wheel speed etc. And then if there's nothing obvious wrong I will try and identify and pull the appropriate fuse and see what happens there. Any additional and constructive info is still welcomed and greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone.

If at any point you decide to reach out to your local Ram dealer for assistance with this, please feel free to reach out to our team via private message. We are happy to offer an extra layer of support at that time!

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