Let's walk around the room....
1) Initial post made
2) Within 15 minutes, a guy with
6 posts in 2 years gets notified of said post and makes a post of his own in rebuttal. Shoulda really just left it there....all that could have been said was.
3) Proceeds to make Youtube video trying to "rally" the troops with further explanation.....which fine, I can get the up down aspect...but the aiming is as simple as doing it once for each scenario and programming a button. Not buying that one.
4) After not being bothered to post more than 6 times in 2 years, proceeds to post 4 times defending...whatever this is...and then proceeds to call someone else a Karen for not seeing things the same way as them?
Keep going....this is good. My hockey team is playing like **** right now so I need a smile