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Dealer Damage

Is it just that some of you don't know what obligation means? Help me understand your confusion so I can explain it better.
you are the one confused. You think the dealer's obligation is putting you in a new truck. You need to get out of the mindset that the dealer owes you a new truck at no cost. Their obligation is to fix the truck at no cost to you, that is it.
Yes I would be pissed if my truck was damaged, would I ask for a new truck, probably yes but I would not be mad if they said no. I would expect them to fix it into brand-new condition. Again that is their obligation. And yes some of you are expecting to walk out of there with a brand new truck at no cost. I’d love to see how some of you act if you got into a regular car accident. would you expect the same thing. As said above there’s not gonna be one dealer out there that is going to handover the keys to a brand new truck just because they damaged yours by accident.
It. Is. Not. No. Cost.

He's not asking to keep his repaired truck and get a new one on top of it. That would actually be no cost.

It's just math. Very easy math.
you are the one confused. You think the dealer's obligation is putting you in a new truck. You need to get out of the mindset that the dealer owes you a new truck at no cost. Their obligation is to fix the truck at no cost to you, that is it.
You just don't know what the word means. No worries.

There's possibly no legal obligation. That would depend on more information than we have. That's where you're hung up. You think folks are saying the dealer can automatically be forced to give him a new truck. No one has said that.
I don't think anyone is expecting a brand new truck for free. What we are saying is the guy should get a new truck for a HEAVILY DISCOUNTED PRICE !! If it was me I'd expect to fork over a few thousand bucks for a brand new 2022. Then they can have my 2021 p.o s. wrecked truck & try to sell it to some poor sucker. Which is why I would NEVER buy used !!!
I don't think anyone is expecting a brand new truck for free. What we are saying is the guy should get a new truck for a HEAVILY DISCOUNTED PRICE !! If it was me I'd expect to fork over a few thousand bucks for a brand new 2022. Then they can have my 2021 p.o s. wrecked truck & try to sell it to some poor sucker. Which is why I would NEVER buy used !!!
Exactly. They just need to sit down and figure out some numbers everyone can be happy with.

The answer sure as hell isn't "it just happens."
I don't think anyone is expecting a brand new truck for free. What we are saying is the guy should get a new truck for a HEAVILY DISCOUNTED PRICE !! If it was me I'd expect to fork over a few thousand bucks for a brand new 2022. Then they can have my 2021 p.o s. wrecked truck & try to sell it to some poor sucker. Which is why I would NEVER buy used !!!
nothing wrong with buying used. You just have to know what your looking at. Sellers trying to sell a messed-up vehicle are expecting to sell it to an unsuspecting buyer. Not every buyer is retarded. plenty of us have gotten great dealers on used vehicles.
Exactly. They just need to sit down and figure out some numbers everyone can be happy with.

The answer sure as hell isn't "it just happens."
accidents happen. its a part of life. Are you going to have a hissy fit when you get into an accident on the freeway? **** happens. Don't act like you have never gotten into an accident.
accidents happen. its a part of life. Are you going to have a hissy fit when you get into an accident on the freeway? **** happens. Don't act like you have never gotten into an accident.
You're back on this again? Me wrecking my own truck on the highway isn't the same as some kid wrecking it being an idiot in the dealer parking lot.

Were you the one who wrecked his truck or something because that's how you're acting.

Oh, and to be clear, I've never been in an at-fault accident.
Obligation doesn't necessitate legal action or authority.
Where in my comment did I say anything about legal action? The only thing the dealer has to do is repair the damages whether they do it themselves or send it somewhere else for the repairs. Keeping the customer happy is a different story. If they want to keep that customer then they may offer a discount on a replacement vehicle or free service work or something like that. The incident is a headache for both the customer and the dealer. Look at it from both sides. If you were the deaer would you simply hand the keys to a new vehicle? I highly doubt you would. You'd probably kiss their asses a little to keep the customer happy but you wouldn't do that
You're back on this again? Me wrecking my own truck on the highway isn't the same as some kid wrecking it being an idiot in the dealer parking lot.

Were you the one who wrecked his truck or something because that's how you're acting.

Oh, and to be clear, I've never been in an at-fault accident.
Sorry we aren't all perfect like you.
Where in my comment did I say anything about legal action? The only thing the dealer has to do is repair the damages whether they do it themselves or send it somewhere else for the repairs. Keeping the customer happy is a different story. If they want to keep that customer then they may offer a discount on a replacement vehicle or free service work or something like that. The incident is a headache for both the customer and the dealer. Look at it from both sides. If you were the deaer would you simply hand the keys to a new vehicle? I highly doubt you would. You'd probably kiss their asses a little to keep the customer happy but you wouldn't do that
How else could a dealer be "obligated" to fix the issue? Really only two options. Hint: keeping the customer happy is a small part of it.

And yes, if I were the dealer, I'd figure out how much I could get for the repaired truck, subtract that from my actual costs, and decide if I wanted to eat that cost to make up for one of my employees doing something stupid.

I bet the number is low enough that I'd do that if I were a decent person.
I would probably be willing to go 4 to 5 thousand for the new truck. That's it. And I am sure dealer would probably not truly lose a penny in that transaction. Look how low some of these prices go depending on where you purchase. And they still are making money.

It sucks because that is an outlay of money you don't want to spend or feel you should have, but.... Look at big picture. New truck, hopefully loaded up as you want it to be.

I forgot who mentioned a lawyer, that would be a total waste in this case. The dealer is taking responsibility and giving the op a chance to have it fixed or get the new truck. The difference in price is really the only sticking point. And we do not know that yet.

But that truck is done as far as I am concerned. It will not be fixed like new...that would cost more than the new truck to do it right. It will be fixed, and more than good enough for most...but not when you know it was perfect before this. And not your own fault.

Can't compare to normal accident or parking lot, etc....because it was in the care of the dealer.
How else could a dealer be "obligated" to fix the issue? Really only two options. Hint: keeping the customer happy is a small part of it.

And yes, if I were the dealer, I'd figure out how much I could get for the repaired truck, subtract that from my actual costs, and decide if I wanted to eat that cost to make up for one of my employees doing something stupid.

I bet the number is low enough that I'd do that if I were a decent person.
And the dealer is giving him the option to fix the truck or make a deal on a new one. Other than the inconvenience what's the problem then
Not perfect, but I've got enough common sense not to cause that much damage to a vehicle in a parking lot.
Dont know the reason but they are called "accidents" for a reason, otherwise they'd be called on purposes
accidents happen. its a part of life. Are you going to have a hissy fit when you get into an accident on the freeway? **** happens. Don't act like you have never gotten into an accident.
Haven't since 2002. Knock on wood. Have taken plenty of evasion maneuvers to avoid them over the years though.
And the dealer is giving him the option to fix the truck or make a deal on a new one. Other than the inconvenience what's the problem then
If they're treating this like making a deal on any truck, they're wrong. If they do the right thing, it should cost the dealer and/or the OP little or nothing.

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