Green Filter - Part #2232. I bought directly from Green Filter. Just search #2232 on the site.
Thanks! Green Filter website is $ 60.34 and Amazon is $51.27...and free freight for prime members.
Green Filter - Part #2232. I bought directly from Green Filter. Just search #2232 on the site.
I believe it is for emissions, part of the EVAP system. When the truck is parked, this should capture and trap the evaporating gasoline/related chemicals that can escape out of the intake and into the atmosphere. There are charcoal canisters tied to the fuel tank/fuel system as well which help trap these airborne chemicals. I believe it helps reduce smog, simliar to why many if not all gas station pumps have those annoying corrugated necks which are to reduce vapors releasing into the atmosphere at fill-ups.Whats the carbon filter? How does it affect mpgs?
It's 2020, and it's an election year. As an entitled American, I should expect nothing less.Way to many variables here, brand of fuel, octane, type of driving, how much weight, tires, lift, 2 vs 4 Ed, eTorque, age, axle ratio and number of miles or not to compare.
honestly it is a truck with a V-8, do you expect to get Prius mileage?
You may want a Prius or Honda Insight as a fun summer & Sunday driver thenYou have to remember: I’m a grandpa driver, don’t accelerate quickly and theres a sign on the tailgate that says “push me, I need the mpg’s”...
You guys care to share which one you used? Or just go on Amazon and search?
I believe it is for emissions, part of the EVAP system. When the truck is parked, this should capture and trap the evaporating gasoline/related chemicals that can escape out of the intake and into the atmosphere. There are charcoal canisters tied to the fuel tank/fuel system as well which help trap these airborne chemicals. I believe it helps reduce smog, simliar to why many if not all gas station pumps have those annoying corrugated necks which are to reduce vapors releasing into the atmosphere at fill-ups.
Here is one explanation... All thanks to CARB.
Subaru’s Partial Zero Emissions Vehicle (PZEV) | Sport Subaru
Subaru’s PZEV (Partial Zero Emissions Vehicle) is affordable, smog-reducing and eco-friendly. Learn about this Green gas-powered alternative and shop Sport Subaru!
The idea of removing it(which I have done since it is free and easy) is that it reduces restrictions to the air flow in the intake.
Mine started out there on 87. Then I started running 89 and it creeped up to mid 15’s By about 10,000mi. I have been running 91 for a few tanks and am getting low 16’s At 17,000mi at a 60/40mix of highway and surface streets.My average MPG is saying 14.6 right now after like 500 miles. Given the fact that I have been giving her pretty good gas every so often to help the break in and ran a couple 0-60's recently, I think that is a decent number. As things settle down and I start commuting back to work in a couple months I think it'll probably increase, but I'm not expecting a whole lot out of a hemi...
This is very interesting I had no idea lol. Thanks a lot for explaining this I appreciate it!I believe it is for emissions, part of the EVAP system. When the truck is parked, this should capture and trap the evaporating gasoline/related chemicals that can escape out of the intake and into the atmosphere. There are charcoal canisters tied to the fuel tank/fuel system as well which help trap these airborne chemicals. I believe it helps reduce smog, simliar to why many if not all gas station pumps have those annoying corrugated necks which are to reduce vapors releasing into the atmosphere at fill-ups.
Here is one explanation... All thanks to CARB.
Subaru’s Partial Zero Emissions Vehicle (PZEV) | Sport Subaru
Subaru’s PZEV (Partial Zero Emissions Vehicle) is affordable, smog-reducing and eco-friendly. Learn about this Green gas-powered alternative and shop Sport Subaru!
The idea of removing it(which I have done since it is free and easy) is that it reduces restrictions to the air flow in the intake.
I've mentioned this before, but I'll say it again.
I have found that using Adaptive Cruise results in something like 1.5 to 2 MPG worse fuel economy than driving with regular cruise control. At least, it has appeared so, the couple of times I have tried it. Meaning, I normally always drive with Adaptive on. But, a couple of times I have tried doing a 150 mile (or so) highway trip using regular cruise instead of Adaptive.
I'm pretty sure that result is influenced a lot by how much traffic there is during the drive. If there was no traffic to make adaptive slow down and speed up, I would expect the mileage to be pretty much the same, compared to regular cruise. But, living in northern VA, that never happens to me.
Just an FYI.
Do you use Active Cruise a lot?I did a 30 mile commute with my truck and got 22.3 mpg avg mixed Hwy and city. Pretty impressive