Ha! Man I love this - I've done this same thing myself, except my weakness is a chocolate glazed donut!This is where I stash the bags from the donut shop... For some reason, she wants to look under her seat every once in a while and I was tired of getting grief.
Don't judge me, I love my apple fritters.
That is a good idea! All of my masks usually just go in the giant center console opening.I like the little pocket...I keep my mask in there and I have a punch card that I need for the toll. It is the right height and sticks up just enough. Also keep a post office key on a fob . So for me I think it's handy.
I have mine exactly like this as wellThis isn’t mine, but someone posted how they hang theirs. I do it the same way
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Hahaha! That's probably the best one. My lab passed away but when I get another I'm sure the hairs will be right back in thereDog hairs
Same for me. Sunshade lives there when it's not being used.Nothing in the drivers side one but my windshield sun shades are stored in the passenger one. It sticks up above the console level a little but it’s better than roaming around lost and hard to find.
I have my Pedal Commander sitting inside there versus mounting it to the dash. It also fits a Capri Sun juice "box" very well.
I would look at it this way...if you ever did get stranded, you have a small food supply to sustain you until help arrivesI use them to catch the McDonalds Fries I drop.
You read your owners manual? Now that's something we don't hear very oftenI put my owner's manual in the slot.
I did the same after I bought mine Le and haven't looked at it again since. But to keep in the pocket right next to ya while driving??? Sorry, but to me, that's funnyI read it once during those few days between buying and picking it up
And because we were in the shutdown, I did it again a few weeks into owning it!