Antenna Part #s -
52112204AA and 52112203AA are for the DT and discussed around page 39 of the
adding passive entry thread - 52112204AA is technically for the interior and has mounting tabs 'on the same side' and costs around $12 ($8 online) while 52112203AA is for the exterior and has mounting tabs 'on the opposite sides' and costs around $400 ($270 online)
56046957AA is for the DS interior and has mounting tabs 'on the opposite sides' and costs around $12 ($8 online)
Per post #841
in the adding passive entry thread here - 56046957AA, with mounting tabs on the opposite side (see pic below) will still work with out needing to drill new holes or custom mount
@MayhemMOORE - can you confirm and maybe update your great 'how to' with the specific antenna part number that worked for you (56046957AA, technically for a DS) and confirm the mounting holes, even though on opposite sides, still align to be mounted?
View attachment 62892