I have had my truck in 3x for the a/c. For me, the a/c works, but just not good enough. I keep a hvac thermometer in it, and have routinely checked it against my 2014 toyota venza, 2008 toyota rav4, 2017 f250, and a friends 2018 gmc 1500. the Ram blows a full 10deg warmer than ALL of those vehicles. The best mine will do is 50deg....and not even that if it is over 90 outside. I have a ramcares case open, however, they have instructed the dealer to NOT attempt anymore repairs as it is working "to specification". I am very frustrated that a 50k vehicle will not blow cold enough to be comfortable when it is really hot outside....especially when all my other vehicles do just fine. I'm going to start gathering comparable "data" from other vehicles and turn the heat up on Ram!!!!