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2025 Ram 1500 Current Owners - Discussion, Feedback, and Problems

Can anyone explain the driving mode function to me? Like where does it show what driving mode I am in? When I press the button, it instantly changes the driving mode. I find this ridiculous that I can't view the driving modes first, and then select one. I was driving on the road and tried to view the driving modes and it instantly put me in 4wd. What am I doing wrong?
as you scroll thru should show up on dash with different pics and tell you what it does even sport mode puts it in awd tc off un less you don't have digital dash then i don't know
as you scroll thru should show up on dash with different pics and tell you what it does even sport mode puts it in awd tc off un less you don't have digital dash then i don't know
I have the digital dash. My point is, it changes the driving mode as soon as I press the driving mode arrow and it already changes the driving mode before I have a chance to see anything. It doesn't give you a chance to bring up the driving mode display before it puts you into a different driving mode.
I have the digital dash. My point is, it changes the driving mode as soon as I press the driving mode arrow and it already changes the driving mode before I have a chance to see anything. It doesn't give you a chance to bring up the driving mode display before it puts you into a different driving mode.
yea it does i know i only use sport so i hit real fast just keep hitting until it hits sport again
Just got a new Rebel X a week ago and also added aftermarket tires and wheels. I usually run about 35-40 PSI but the factory defaults is 45 rear and 55 front. If you aren’t there you get an error of low tire pressure that won’t go away. Kind of annoying plus that seems like pretty high PSI for a half ton. Anyone know how to disable or adjust factory defaults? What pressure is everyone else running?
Just got a new Rebel X a week ago and also added aftermarket tires and wheels. I usually run about 35-40 PSI but the factory defaults is 45 rear and 55 front. If you aren’t there you get an error of low tire pressure that won’t go away. Kind of annoying plus that seems like pretty high PSI for a half ton. Anyone know how to disable or adjust factory defaults? What pressure is everyone else running?
ok need to look up some kind of taser they change factory setting for the tire pressures.. factory tires are e rated for heavier weight so they require more tire pressure compared to regular tire . The factory tire are good for towing . What are you doing with your old tires and rims . what color x did you get they come in all colors i don't think people know this but i think they only should be in the sand color also did you the 10000 in rebates
ok need to look up some kind of taser they change factory setting for the tire pressures.. factory tires are e rated for heavier weight so they require more tire pressure compared to regular tire . The factory tire are good for towing . What are you doing with your old tires and rims . what color x did you get they come in all colors i don't think people know this but i think they only should be in the sand color also did you the 10000 in rebates
Stil have the old wheels and tires. Mine is a two tone White/black. I ended getting over $13k off MSRP.
so i finally yesterday out shopping seen two different rebel went asked owner how they drive . both people said good cel problems dealer fixed well lucky you no surging they said no but i don't think they even knew what surge was both people use 87 octane and both i had to show how to use stuff one guy truck beeps all the time don't know what to do both had no ideal about drive modes lol so the idiots get the goods ones and truck people who use their truck to make money and know everything about brand get the bad ones they both don't deserve those trucks just venting thanks it so hard to get service anywhere on east coast this is the oldest part of country people are a s i can't find or trust a dealer anywhere ram screwing me even more now they are taking 13000 off devalue my truck even more
2025 SST SO Bighorn Level 2 Night Edition. I’m 9,000 miles in now. Everything’s been great for the most part. Added nerf bars and an undercover flex tri-fold cover. The only issues have been some of the intermittent electrical gremlins that most every truck seems to have these days:
- it will not remember non-music volumes (phone ring, phone call, navigation) no matter how many factory resets, profile recreations, or overnight battery disconnects I do.
- occasionally CarPlay will not work
- occasional backup camera blue screen (only twice so far)
- random language changes to Italian and changing of horn on 2nd lock press setting.

I knew going in that did have some of those little issues sometimes. Overall it’s been an excellent truck. Very happy.
Cruising up I95 yesterday and got a message on the center display that my blinker was on. What? Oh, it is. Last lane change and blinker didn't reset. Whew! Saved me from going around the world to the right.

Some of this silly stuff is helpful from time to time. I guess.
I’m going to be “that guy” right now and ask @2025 rebel junk to at least use some proper grammar and punctuation so we can at least easily understand your rant without having to decipher it.
I know sorry. Being that guy is okay . My computer auto corrects puts wrong words up takes periods away from me and i just type away hope it all blends together i will try better.
Thanks. What I guess I’m looking for is a change log for uconnect updates including what the latest one is.
Also, how do you know if you get an update? Thanks!
My truck was updated today. The What’s New page on the UConnect screen said there were no release notes. So what has changed besides the surround sound being turned off? My truck has been running fine except the shifting has been a little sluggish and the MPG is around 15 for my normal country driving.
2025 Ram 1500 Lonestar

Anyone else having a problem with the headlights going off when applying the brakes hard and coming to a stop?

I thought it was my imagination, but I have tested this several times in a controlled environment and can replicate it over and over.

When traveling above 30 MPH and you apply the brakes fairly hard and come to a complete stop the headlights (all front end lights) will turn off then come right back on. I got the turk last week and noticed it over the weekend. Going to contact the dealer today.
My truck was updated today. The What’s New page on the UConnect screen said there were no release notes. So what has changed besides the surround sound being turned off? My truck has been running fine except the shifting has been a little sluggish and the MPG is around 15 for my normal country dri

2025 Ram 1500 Lonestar

Anyone else having a problem with the headlights going off when applying the brakes hard and coming to a stop?

I thought it was my imagination, but I have tested this several times in a controlled environment and can replicate it over and over.

When traveling above 30 MPH and you apply the brakes fairly hard and come to a complete stop the headlights (all front end lights) will turn off then come right back on. I got the turk last week and noticed it over the weekend. Going to contact the dealer today.
maybe some new safety feature they don't want you to see the collision ptsd free feature

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