I ordered a little over four months ago. BUT it’s a little disingenuous of me to say I’ve been waiting four months when I knew when I ordered they would not start production until late august early september. Turned out it was mid Seotember, roughly 5 weeks ago. If I receive my truck 5 weeks from now that will be 2 1/2 months from production start. I’ll take that based on when production started, my eyes were wide open when I ordered!3-4 months seems a little low. I will hit exactly 4 months tomorrow and I still don't even have an expected build date. With the other amount of orders submitted I would plan for 6+ months and hope it gets here sooner.
Edit: Went and looked up when he initially ordered and it was almost exactly 5 months ago. (May 24th) I stand by my 6+ months to delivery for orders placed now.
Having said all that, I’m still pissed that I’m in the 112 group and trucks with MUCH higher VIN’s are being built!!