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Search results

  1. Daverous

    Transfer case module location

    Anyone know? I've been looking for a couple hours and can't find it. Before I pull the center console I figured I'd ask... Thanks all!
  2. Daverous

    Fox 2.5 dsc 2-3" cv angles

    Anyone able to post a Pic of theirs? I dropped mine in today, set at 1.5" of exposed thread or 1/2" more than factory settings, and my angles look pretty bad. Wanted to compare with anyone running the kit at full height. I had new spring put in due to the diesel and I'm wondering if that...
  3. Daverous

    Loose bcm wire

    Was recalibrating tire size with alfaobd, all went well on round one but when I went to adjust a second time(2665mm) it wouldn't clear faults or complete rolls appropriatly. I poked my head under the dash and found this loose wire that wasn't pinned. I don't even know which harness diagram to...
  4. Daverous

    Icon 2.5 resi CDC coilover

    Thanks to @Rplante3108 i was able to snag a pair of roughed up Icon 2.5 coilovers needing some rebuild love. After doing a boat load of research I wasn't able to find any with resi or cdc for the front of the Ram 1500. After speaking with Icon about it, it appears they ARE starting to roll out...
  5. Daverous

    Looking for Rebel 360 view part numbers

    Searching for weeks now on and off, tried the dealer but they keep giving me bad numbers. Utterly useless. Trying to find the part number for the newer 360 view radiator grill with the camera under the A. The old rebel grill isn't a snap in name plate like others. I'm tired of trying to rig...
  6. Daverous

    Clone ecu on 3rd gen?

    Anyone successful yet? Wondering if alpha is even an option on these. I have a sneaky feeling walking into the dealer and asking for them to program an ecu to my truck won't go so great.