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  1. J

    Signature lights as drls

    So from what I’m getting my low beams are meant to be drls ?
  2. J

    Signature lights as drls

    Hey all On my ram 1500 dt limited 2022 I can’t seem to get my signature lights as drls I get everything in the coding list on alfaobd But I don’t see signature light Has anyone else who also has a 1500 dt limited had the same issue ?
  3. J

    Ram limited 1500 air suspension coding

    so ive turned my off road capable setting to no and ive gotten back my OR 2 option on the dash also ive noticed that there is a "vehconfig 7 active suspension control module has damping" option, was wondering if anyone feels a difference when driving with the code enabled?
  4. J

    Ram limited 1500 air suspension coding

    i actually use this myself and put my side steps out, I did try with a few of my friends cars to see if the stepper takes the hit before the panel does and it does!
  5. J

    Ram limited 1500 air suspension coding

    I do have the off road package I was going through the suspension type and there was like 15 of them and wasn’t sure which one but I’ll have another look when I’m behind the wheel
  6. J

    Ram limited 1500 air suspension coding

    Hey hey I’ve been coding my ram ever since the cable has arrived I did how ever realise that my off road 2 air suspension setting is no longer there as there normally are 5 but now are only 4 . If I try to go higher than 4 it’ll say selected ride height not permitted Does anyone know which...
  7. J

    Ram 1500 limited heads up display retrofit OEM

    would this be the guys who do the shipping of the vehicle into my country or do i find the ones who do the conversion?
  8. J

    Bypass module not working

    happens when i plug the bypass cable in
  9. J

    Bypass module not working

    got this one ordered will keep you posted on how it goes when i try it out
  10. J

    Ram limited 1500 steering wheel change to TRX steering wheel with flappy panels

    If I did the gt steering wheel swap will if affect it whether I have the dial shifter or gear stick shifter ?
  11. J

    Ram 1500 limited heads up display retrofit OEM

    I’ve got the head up display option in the list My only concern is where the port of module is
  12. J

    Bypass module not working

    https://amzn.asia/d/2oeDwLH Hi all I’ve bought this bypass module on Amazon I’ve tried to install it and have followed multiple instructions on youtube, however nothing has worked so far With the small plug plugged into the green module of the car and then the male obd from the cable is...
  13. J

    Ram 1500 limited heads up display retrofit OEM

    yes this is a limited rambox model is there anyway to tell where it was originally manufactured and with the option list if i were to search up the vin or chassis number?
  14. J

    Ram limited 1500 steering wheel change to TRX steering wheel with flappy panels

    hey all did we know if you can swap out modules on the steering wheel for example, the 1500 Laramie has the paddle shifters and but not the adaptive cruised control, am I able to pull that 1 section out and replace it with the one that's currently on mine? I've also notices that all the...
  15. J

    Ram limited 1500 steering wheel change to TRX steering wheel with flappy panels

    can I look for a TRX steering wheel that's aftermarket or would there be anyone that's selling one on the forums? Will the harness need to be the GT one or can I get away with a TRX harness as far as I know there's no RAM 1500 in Australia that has paddle shifters except the TRX
  16. J

    Ram 1500 limited heads up display retrofit OEM

    Hi all My ram came as a RHD conversion which means they have made a new dash in front of the steering wheel and there is a plastic cover over the hud is Was wondering if there was a tutorial on what I need to do and what parts I need to get to make it work
  17. J

    Ram limited 1500 steering wheel change to TRX steering wheel with flappy panels

    So what other changes will I need to do It seems like coding will be required My ram is also Australian so I’m guessing wiring will also be needed as it is converted to right hand drive.
  18. J

    Ram limited 1500 steering wheel change to TRX steering wheel with flappy panels

    gear shifting paddles I believe that's correct term use on a global scale I know the TRX 1500 has the shifter paddles to select your gear, something like you would have In sport mode
  19. J

    Ram limited 1500 steering wheel change to TRX steering wheel with flappy panels

    Hi all I've been considering this ever since I got the RAM 1500 Limited the gear selector on the multi-function steering wheel is nice, however it doesn't do what I exactly want and just seems like there's something missing on the tips of my fingers when I'm driving. was just wondering if...