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2019 Ram 1500 engine issues

Kyle 07

New Member
Nov 23, 2018
Reaction score
Has anyone else had engine issues yet on the 2019 Ram 1500 Lonestar edition? I recently had to bring mine with less the 1500 miles into service because it broke down. Come to find out there was a fuel injector that was stuck open pouring fuel into the block causing 2 pistons to hydro lock and shoot both piston rods through the engine block and into the oil pan. The lead mechanic at the dealership told me that the entire engine needs to be replaced!!

Like I said it’s got less the 1500 miles on it and the entire engine needs to be replaced, is this a joke?? Now they want me to sit in a rental for 2+ weeks until they can get an engine off the product line... I’ve also had problems with the front left wheel well popping and knocking while turning or going over speed bumps. Any insight on my problem or is there anyone that’s had the same issues??

What are my options? Due to the smell of gasolin fumes in the cab of the vehicle (From the engines struggle before breakdown) I don’t want to think about taking it back and exposing my 14 month old to the gas smell. I want a new vehicle, is that too much to ask?
While highly unlikely given modern production methods, there is always that oddball that just doesn't work...it certainly sucks, but it appears they are resolving the issue.

For the clunking noise, there is a TSB.

As far as the gas smell and wanting a new vehicle, that is something for you to decide and work out with the dealer. Everyone here is going to have a different opinion on what is 'acceptable'... if you feel that nothing other than a new truck will be acceptable, then go for it... realize though that it may be a bit of a battle.

Best of luck!
Wow, that’s a little more than just a breakdown. Glad it didn’t cause an accident.

Did you have any signs of problems before the boom? Check engine lights or rough running? Sounds like you were smelling gas before?

I would anticipate the gas smell to dissipate quickly as the actual source was under hood not in the cabin. Does the dealership do courtesy cars, if so maybe they can swap the rental out for something nicer?

Maybe @RamCares can help make sure you’re satisfied with the end result.
Has anyone else had engine issues yet on the 2019 Ram 1500 Lonestar edition? I recently had to bring mine with less the 1500 miles into service because it broke down. Come to find out there was a fuel injector that was stuck open pouring fuel into the block causing 2 pistons to hydro lock and shoot both piston rods through the engine block and into the oil pan. The lead mechanic at the dealership told me that the entire engine needs to be replaced!!

Like I said it’s got less the 1500 miles on it and the entire engine needs to be replaced, is this a joke?? Now they want me to sit in a rental for 2+ weeks until they can get an engine off the product line... I’ve also had problems with the front left wheel well popping and knocking while turning or going over speed bumps. Any insight on my problem or is there anyone that’s had the same issues??

What are my options? Due to the smell of gasolin fumes in the cab of the vehicle (From the engines struggle before breakdown) I don’t want to think about taking it back and exposing my 14 month old to the gas smell. I want a new vehicle, is that too much to ask?

I had a issue with a dealership and wanted a new truck . Their answer and a lawyer's answer was : You bought it and it is yours.
The dealership will not give you a new truck. They will use your Extended Warranty to replace the engine and they make good money from the Warranty Program.
Maybe they will pick up the tab from the Rental Car people.
Only way I would see you getting a new truck would be lemon laws but I think it has to be more than one issue in a certain time frame
Only way I would see you getting a new truck would be lemon laws but I think it has to be more than one issue in a certain time frame

In most states the Lemon Law applies only when the manufacturer cannot resolve an issue after three service events.

Best regards,

2019 Ram 1500 Billet Silver Laramie Quad Cab 2WD, 5.7 Hemi, 8HP75, 3.21 axle, 33 gallon fuel tank, factory dual exhaust, 18” wheels. Now at: 006538 miles.
Curious as to which engine this was. OP does not list the engine in his sig...
@steveved agreed that is an important bit of info now that the 6 is out. Hey OP can you confirm which motor?

In the face of this bad situation (sorry to hear about the engine problem, that sucks) the advice you are getting here is generally sound... a dealer typically will not willingly give you a new truck once you have taken ownership of it, but they must seek to fully fix it. I have found most of the time if I work with them (vs against them) they take care of things to my satisfaction. I had to go through a complete engine replacement on an EcoDiesel Jeep I bought used... not a fun experience to go through a couple months after purchasing. Ultimately had to wait a long time driving a free rental to get a good running vehicle. They then gave me credit for near my original purchase price towards my Ram. They didn’t give me everything I wanted, but they got close enough for me to find my way to being satisfied and moving on.

Valid to be concerned about the fumes, but unless the gasoline actually got in the cabin the fumes will hopefully clear out quickly. The “clunk” sound has a service bulletin so that’ll eventually be ok too. If this all takes too long or it takes too many service visits, then check into your state’s lemon law and see what it stipulates. I don’t see your location in your profile or signature block but there may be members in your state who can advise further.

It’s not a great place to be, choosing between waiting for big repairs vs going through the painful but sometimes necessary process of the lemon law... but that is unfortunately where you are. Try to stay cool headed for your own sake and for that little baby too, and good luck.
I feel for the OP because It does suck to get something brand new and have problems. This is life folks, people are human and mass produced parts have a failure rate. Apple has plenty of products that are DOA. This isn't a direct dig at the OP because I know he is upset and it's probably more emotions than reason but the posts from these folks that say "is this a joke" or "my 65K truck shouldn't do this" are just not being reasonable. That comment doesn't make the guy who spent his hard earned money on a 35K truck (which rolled off the same assembly line) feel as important. These trucks have thousands of parts/assemblies from various vendors that have an accepted failure rate by manufacturers.

I would like to see lawmakers step up and create some ammendment to the lemon laws that argue if a truck in the first 30 days requires major work (replacement engine/transmission) or has substantial water leak that it mandates vehicle replacement.

I certainly had my share of frustrations but it wasn't at the parts or issues but rather the way FCA was handling it. I will say they stepped up and we worked through it together which I do appreciate. I also believe it's a good sign we see these TSB's and updates (audio) because I guarantee you it's directly because of this forum and our enthusiast voices are being heard by FCA.
YoAdrian and Sticker500 have made excellent points and suggestions. I'll make one more.

I was once employed as a Field Service Rep for GM. I would advise suppressing your emotions. If you go in hot and say things like you'll never buy another FCA product, or will never buy from that dealer, or start slinging threats, you'll end up demotivating the service people from trying to satisfy you. Try to work with them in a kindly way and let the process lead to a resolution. I think you'll find that they will be far more sympathetic. After all, they are probably just as unhappy about the failure as you are.

Best of luck,

2019 Ram 1500 Billet Silver Laramie Quad Cab 2WD, 5.7 Hemi, 8HP75, 3.21 axle, 33 gallon fuel tank, factory dual exhaust, 18” wheels. Now at: 006538 miles.
Has anyone else had engine issues yet on the 2019 Ram 1500 Lonestar edition? I recently had to bring mine with less the 1500 miles into service because it broke down. Come to find out there was a fuel injector that was stuck open pouring fuel into the block causing 2 pistons to hydro lock and shoot both piston rods through the engine block and into the oil pan. The lead mechanic at the dealership told me that the entire engine needs to be replaced!!

Like I said it’s got less the 1500 miles on it and the entire engine needs to be replaced, is this a joke?? Now they want me to sit in a rental for 2+ weeks until they can get an engine off the product line... I’ve also had problems with the front left wheel well popping and knocking while turning or going over speed bumps. Any insight on my problem or is there anyone that’s had the same issues??

What are my options? Due to the smell of gasolin fumes in the cab of the vehicle (From the engines struggle before breakdown) I don’t want to think about taking it back and exposing my 14 month old to the gas smell. I want a new vehicle, is that too much to 80B75F5B-D802-4634-8B6F-FB985EE7B310.jpegmy 2019 rebel is a disaster. It’s broke down at 400 miles. 4wheel drive issues. Transfer case water leaked in. 26 days and counting. Also I have smelled gas and my highway avg is 11.5 mpg.
Lemon law may apply
How many days out of service? 30 and you are golden but may need an attorney.
Did I read this correctly?

This recent post indicates two different vehicles, a 2019 Lonestar, and a 2019 Rebel are referred too. Are you talking about two different 2019s, or the same vehicle as in your first post?


2019 Ram 1500 Billet Silver Laramie Quad Cab 2WD, 5.7 Hemi, 8HP75, 3.21 axle, 33 gallon fuel tank, factory dual exhaust, 18” wheels. Now at: 008323 miles.
I have a 2019 New Style Big Horn edition that I've been having starting issues with for nearly four months. They've been searching for a culprit for about 4 months and today now believe it's the fuel injector leaking and causing poor starts. They previously checked connections, cleaned battery terminals, etc and even got FCA engineers to flash the computer with an update based on feedback from a flight computer. All made small improvements but haven't solved the issue. Keeping fingers crossed this fixes it.

Hopefully the fuel injector fixes mine, but maybe there is a link to bad injectors. And hopefully the overall damage is not as bad as yours and does not extend beyond the injector itself.
Not to be insensitive but it’s really quite simple, the OP will get a new motor, he won’t get a new truck. The gas smell will go away (probably already gone but ask for a new cabin air filter) and they may give you some free oil changes for your trouble.

If you aren’t satisfied sell the truck and buy something else.
This was 2 months ago and the OP never responded or posted an update.

Never ceases to amaze me how some people only sign up on forums to complain.

That is why I will never base a purchase decision on forums.

You almost never hear about the tens of thousands of vehicles that are problem free. You only hear about the relative minority that have problems.
This was 2 months ago and the OP never responded or posted an update.

Never ceases to amaze me how some people only sign up on forums to complain.

That is why I will never base a purchase decision on forums.

You almost never hear about the tens of thousands of vehicles that are problem free. You only hear about the relative minority that have problems.
Absolutely. You'll usually never hear from folks that aren't having any issues. You have to temper what you find on the forums. There's good information, but there's also plenty of FUD fueled by emotion.
Any motor can fail. This is the first I've seen on here. Ram doesn't make a premium Hemi that is higher quality for the $65k trucks. The most basic Ram gets the same Hemi. No, it's not a joke. All manufacturers are the same in that respect.

I'm sure the OP has a new engine by now. If there is nothing to gripe about, we probably won't hear anything else. I'm a little more realistic regarding failures.
I actually had an issue just like this yesterday. Let me explain.

I left the gym at 0730 and my Auto Start System Unavailable, Service light came on.

100 yards later - check engine light and a noticeable shudder in the vehicle (shuddered at idle as well). Imagine going over the rumble strips on a highway at 10MPH.

Got home, made a service appointment for the same day and started driving to the dealer (what they advised).

I hit 40MPH and decided that it was unsafe to drive, the shudder got worse. So i called a flatbed to take me to the dealer.

This sounds a lot like the original story on this thread and I honestly am concerned that (1) this person drove it until it popped and (2) what this means for my truck with 9,500 miles on it. Don't worry ladies and gents, I'll throw info back at you when it comes my way.

Maybe they will fix the angry yeti in the front end. Likes to groan a ton when i make it turn a low speeds.
Just got a phone call from the dealer. I get to go pick it up. Apparently the porcelain on one spark plug (#5) cracked so they replaced it... Unfortunately, they couldn't find the yeti this time. I'm going to put out a camera trap.

I'll talk to them at length to figure out some of the other issues I was experiencing.

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