My truck got nailed by golf-ball size hail back at the end of June. I had to wait for a turn with a paintless dent repair guru.
I picked it up a week ago, Friday.
It was flawless. Literally. I went over it with a dent screen and couldn't find a ripple. Some of the impacts were deep, right on the curve of the roof just above the windshield and also next to the third brake light. Tough spots, and deep. Lots on the hood, body sides, etc.
Here's a shoutout to Triad Dent Removal. He works in North Carolina, in the Winston-Salem/Greensboro area. Website:
Triad Dent Removal | Hail Damage Repair
I could not be happier.
(Bonus: he got a tough crease out of my rear passenger door. The one a parking lot idiot gave me when the truck was only a month old.)