One month after getting my 2022 Ram I easily had 10+ paint chips on the bumper, grill and hood. Now May 2023, I have more than 50 paint chips and the paint is peeling and chipping off. The dealership said it was rock chips and from tailgating, but my 2019 black ram had maybe 5 paint chips after 3 years. My 2022 is graphite gray and there is definitely a paint issue. Is there anything I can do? It is getting worse and worse.
My 22 has over 150 chips (I counted)
Dealerships refuse to do anything except go back to Mark Dodge the selling dealership (1800 miles away) and Ram says too bad and will not let me talk with a supervisor ever.
Ramcares did nothing except create the original case.
I have call recordings with FCA customer support lying to me on the phone between agents (sometimes back to back).
My current case manager quit working for FCA last Wednesday (wonder why?)
Unfortunately there is nothing I can do it seems.
I have already filled around 30 chips using touchup paint but stopped for the winter.
This is what it looked like in 25 days of ownership (not the best angle picture I know) There were around 15-20 chips or so some being really big.
This is the center of my front bumper at 10k miles (I had chips in the first month I bought it). Yes all those white\silver spots are bare metal.
Some of them actually came from under the paint

Here are some of the other chips, some bulge out from the inside
I might try to do 1 more round of touchup paint but there are just so many and using touchup paint on a vertical surface takes time. I like the way the bumper looks but ill likely be forced to buy a new one, or have this painted with something else that isn't OEM paint out of pocket which will cost a boatload.