I think you are being too harsh, with all respect. I think you are correct in terms of the “physics” so to speak, but if it is not something they have experienced or dealt with before, it is unpleasant to discover. My truck has all chrome in the front because I am a traditionalist but the manufacturer is in the position of offering a style that is, in my opinion, an objectively bad idea (flying a painted glossy barn door into a 65-70mph wind) and some disclosure to the customer (eg “protective film package recommended to prevent chips”) would be better than having a litany of disappointed and well heeled customers who just paid between 50k to 80k on a truck. To me, it’s the same issue as offering leather wrapped dashboards - looks good when new, not likely to age well, and the manufacturer should consider that when offering the product and probably offer some disclosure to the customer (eg, “recommended for garaged cars only.”)
Take care.