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New emissions recall for the 3rd Gen diesels

I know the drivability of my 2020 was improved with this update, but it’s nothing like my new 2022. Throttle response is amazing and the truck feels ready to go anytime I step on it.
That's how I feel about my 20...perfectly happy with performance and drivability. And that's the problem, everybody's experience is different so I'm at the "if it ain't broke" phase.
That's how I feel about my 20...perfectly happy with performance and drivability. And that's the problem, everybody's experience is different so I'm at the "if it ain't broke" phase.
Yep, my truck was updated without my permission when the def tank was replaced due to a failing sensor. I was relieved when I noticed the truck drove better post update.
Thought this was funny.
I drove to my dealer for a State Inspection and when I told the SA this morning that I didn't want the flash she said "You mean that you don't to want to pull out of the lot and have no power" with a smirk, as a nod to what the last EPA flash did to me
I'm going to wait a while longer as I'm supper happy with my truck the way it is.
My 2020 EcoDiesel had the DEF recall applied a few months ago, I've had no issues at all.
By your description, it sounds like your "Service Adviser" is a little snarky, which is both unprofessional and unhelpful. There's no need for that kind of childish behavior, ever, from anyone, anywhere. But least of all from a supposed professional representing the company that generates her paycheck. Feel free to tell her I said this. If I was in your shoes, I'd get a different SA or go to a different dealership for my service.
My 2020 EcoDiesel had the DEF recall applied a few months ago, I've had no issues at all.
By your description, it sounds like your "Service Adviser" is a little snarky, which is both unprofessional and unhelpful. There's no need for that kind of childish behavior, ever, from anyone, anywhere. But least of all from a supposed professional representing the company that generates her paycheck. Feel free to tell her I said this. If I was in your shoes, I'd get a different SA or go to a different dealership for my service.
I've been getting my service and oil changes at this dealership since 2015 and have a very good relationship with the SA and tech. Thanks for the opinion but I don't think I'll be changing anytime soon. With all the stories of dealerships not doing what the customer wants or performing professional work, I'm quite happy with mine.

I guess that you had to live through the Gen 2 fiasco to appreciate the humor (in hindsight).
I've been getting my service and oil changes at this dealership since 2015 and have a very good relationship with the SA and tech. Thanks for the opinion but I don't think I'll be changing anytime soon. With all the stories of dealerships not doing what the customer wants or performing professional work, I'm quite happy with mine.

I guess that you had to live through the Gen 2 fiasco to appreciate the humor (in hindsight).
I get what you're saying. A co-worker had the Gen-2 ED recall and subsequent miserable performance, so I'm well aware of the genesis of your SA's comment. Sorry I didn't pick up on the humor part of their quote.

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