Truck wouldn't start earlier for some reason. I got a jump and drove straight to the dealership. Check engine light was on. The guy checked my battery, and it was at 10.9V.

So, I am thinking maybe I got a parasitic draw somewhere. Maybe my sub amp. Yes, he asked about my Sundown bass level knob. AND... he asked about the Roar Pedal. Ooooops!!! Thank goodness I took the Tazer DT out really quick when I got there. Doh!
I think that guy could have screwed me (red flagged). But, he didn't. He "suggested" that I remove the pedal thing and "anything else that was on my truck". My truck threw over 30 codes! Some of them he didn't recognize. He knew! I know it. He knew I had a Tazer DT, or something similar. He actually asked me if I had an aftermarket tune. I'm telling you guys, these dealerships aren't dumb. Their computers can tell everything that has been done to our trucks.
I have unmarried and removed the Tazer DT and the Roar Pedal. I am going to try and sell them, cheap, in case anyone is interested.
Anyway, I am pretty sure it was my amp(s). I have to have my guy check them out.