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Giraffe Power Washer


Active Member
Nov 19, 2020
Reaction score
Getting tired of using the normal gas powered power washer for the vehicles. I wondered if anyone have used one of these:

The ad showed up in my FB feed, which makes me suspicious of the quality.


1600 psi is fairly low unless you're only going to use it for washing vehicles. I have an electric Ryobi 2000 psi that still doesn't get some of the more stubborn mud off the truck. It's also my "around the house" pressure washer so it has to clean concrete and such. Even with the surface cleaner attachment I have to move fairly slowly to make sure it cleans concrete properly.

Also, would you mount this in your garage? You gonna run a hose from outside into your garage and hope it doesn't leak at the connection to the pressure washer?
Look at a Comet Static 1700 or similar. That Giraffe unit is junk and will give you nothing but headaches.
When it comes to car washing water flow (GPM) is your primary concern and PSI is second. Anything around 2 GPM will work wonders. When looking at PSI you wanted tested PSI and not the bogus claims they put on the box or adds. Around 1000 tested PSI is great for washing cars.

Here is a good rabbit hole to jump in to:
Go to the pressure washing section. I began in the "starter level", but quickly moved to the "mid level". The starter level washers are for small vehicles. The thermal protection will kick in when washing a truck and then you have to wait upwards of 5 minutes for them to reset.
I got a SunJoe SPX3501 with the extra hose, 5.5 ft extension wand,
Soap Foam Cannon, and a roll around Under Carriage Washer.

I want to get a different brand of Foam Cannon. The sunjoe one
was not that great ,or it could be just the Soap I used.

1600 psi is fairly low unless you're only going to use it for washing vehicles. I have an electric Ryobi 2000 psi that still doesn't get some of the more stubborn mud off the truck. It's also my "around the house" pressure washer so it has to clean concrete and such. Even with the surface cleaner attachment I have to move fairly slowly to make sure it cleans concrete properly.

Also, would you mount this in your garage? You gonna run a hose from outside into your garage and hope it doesn't leak at the connection to the pressure washer?

No, I have hot and cold water spigots in the garage.

I just bought a SunJoe 3000 (2030PSI and 1.76GPM advertised). Not really thrilled on the GPM even with a different wand and hose. After watching OG research I bought the Karcher 1700. I will be testing that out shortly and compare the 2. I also have a Generac 2800PSI 2.3GPM gas one for doing the driveway/patio

Foam Cannon I have works pretty well and wasn't really expensive - https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B072JNQQY9/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Instead of the Mosmatic wand I got this one and works great - https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07999PQ6K/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
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I got a SunJoe SPX3501 with the extra hose, 5.5 ft extension wand,
Soap Foam Cannon, and a roll around Under Carriage Washer.

I want to get a different brand of Foam Cannon. The sunjoe one
was not that great ,or it could be just the Soap I used.

I have the Sun Joe SPX3001 and foam cannon. I had the foam cannon once under warranty as the bottle neck cracked. I use Adams Mega Foam and it does a great job for me.
Ditched our gas powered washer a few years ago and got an electric Greenworks 2300 psi on sale from Lowe's. We've pressure washed the driveway, sidewalks, sheds and hardee boarded house several times with it, not to mention washing the vehicles, and it's never let us down and does a fantastic job. Our neighbor has the 2000 psi Greenworks and loves it.
I got a SunJoe SPX3501 with the extra hose, 5.5 ft extension wand,
Soap Foam Cannon, and a roll around Under Carriage Washer.

I want to get a different brand of Foam Cannon. The sunjoe one
was not that great ,or it could be just the Soap I used.

Take a look at the MTM PF22.2 foam cannon. This is what I have and love it. More expensive than many, but I wanted to buy my last foam cannon first! 😁
Take a look at the MTM PF22.2 foam cannon. This is what I have and love it. More expensive than many, but I wanted to buy my last foam cannon first! 😁
Bro respect’ you own a lambo and a porshe and obviously a ram and you still wash your own vehicles?? Lol I’d prob pay someone if I had money like that but I do love washing my cars..
Bro respect’ you own a lambo and a porshe and obviously a ram and you still wash your own vehicles?? Lol I’d prob pay someone if I had money like that but I do love washing my cars..
People that have money are those that don't spend it to have people wash and ceramic coat their vehicles. That's how the rich get ahead and everyone else tries to catch up ;)
If you watch any of the Obessed Garage videos that tests over 70 pressure washers he will tell you that GPM is more important than PSI. 1000 PSI can take mud off a truck so you want more GPM. I tested tonight on my setup with both the SunJoe (2030 PSI 1.76GPM) and the Karcher 1700 (1700 PSI 1.2GPM). I got just over 1.45GPM on the Karcher and 1.4GPM with the SunJoe. Now if I wanted to go more expensive it would be an AR630 or a Comet but I don't want to spend over $500 for a pressure washer right now.

I'd say buy some from Amazon and test them out then return what you don't want.
Bro respect’ you own a lambo and a porshe and obviously a ram and you still wash your own vehicles?? Lol I’d prob pay someone if I had money like that but I do love washing my cars..
Ha! I'm just a normal guy that has been fortunate enough to own some really cool cars (and now truck!) 😁 I like doing my own work when I can and detailing my cars gives me a lot of satisfaction for sure.....heck, I have always mowed my own lawn! Like @securityguy said, some people prefer to detail their own cars.....my next project is to ceramic coat the truck!!
I have the sun joe Spa 3000 and a their foam cannon. Tried it on the truck yesterday for the first time. what a waste of time. Of course the thick dried on mud came off with the pressure washer. However after washing off all the soap foam, there was still a film of dirt. So I did it again thinking the truck was just that dirty, but still that film was there. So I resorted to old school, a bucket of meguiers and rags. Now the truck looks new. So I am just not a believer in foam cannons and pressure washer can effectively clean your truck. Now I do live in rural area with muddy roads, dust from farming equipment and salt water spray for the sound.
I have the sun joe Spa 3000 and a their foam cannon. Tried it on the truck yesterday for the first time. what a waste of time. Of course the thick dried on mud came off with the pressure washer. However after washing off all the soap foam, there was still a film of dirt. So I did it again thinking the truck was just that dirty, but still that film was there. So I resorted to old school, a bucket of meguiers and rags. Now the truck looks new. So I am just not a believer in foam cannons and pressure washer can effectively clean your truck. Now I do live in rural area with muddy roads, dust from farming equipment and salt water spray for the sound.

No matter the pressure washer and foam cannon nothing will beat the microfiber mitt and bucket of soap. If you want a clean surface if your going to put a wax or anything on you would need to do that anyway.
I have the sun joe Spa 3000 and a their foam cannon. Tried it on the truck yesterday for the first time. what a waste of time. Of course the thick dried on mud came off with the pressure washer. However after washing off all the soap foam, there was still a film of dirt. So I did it again thinking the truck was just that dirty, but still that film was there. So I resorted to old school, a bucket of meguiers and rags. Now the truck looks new. So I am just not a believer in foam cannons and pressure washer can effectively clean your truck. Now I do live in rural area with muddy roads, dust from farming equipment and salt water spray for the sound.
This is correct, no pressure washer or foam cannon can replace hand washing. The pressure washer is great for removing the outer layer of mud and dirt, but the only way to remove the film that remains is by hand washing. Soft brushes also work but they seem to always miss a few spots.

Unfortunately, nothing replaces the manual labor involved in getting a vehicle clean.
I have the sun joe Spa 3000 and a their foam cannon. Tried it on the truck yesterday for the first time. what a waste of time. Of course the thick dried on mud came off with the pressure washer. However after washing off all the soap foam, there was still a film of dirt. So I did it again thinking the truck was just that dirty, but still that film was there. So I resorted to old school, a bucket of meguiers and rags. Now the truck looks new. So I am just not a believer in foam cannons and pressure washer can effectively clean your truck. Now I do live in rural area with muddy roads, dust from farming equipment and salt water spray for the sound.
Your understanding of using a pressure washer with a foam cannon is flawed.
A pressure washer, when used with a foam cannon, is designed to spray a heavy foam coating over the entire vehicle so that it can soak into the dirt and grime and allow you to then wipe it down with a wet, clean wash mitt or microfiber towel. Not to assume that the foam generated by the cannon will clean and wash away all of the dirt. It helps to loosen up all of the dirt so that it can be easily washed off with a clean mitt or towel to minimize any scratching to the clear coat.

You can also pressure wash, without the cannon, to remove all of the heavy stuff. Then use the cannon to coat the truck with foam and let it sit and work into the dirt and grime. Then you can wash it with a mitt or microfiber towel.

I have been using a foam cannon for many years...great product if you understand the process and not assume that it will clean a car or truck without some elbow grease. Make sense?
I completely agree with @securityguy . It's more about GPM than PSI but the 2 go hand in hand. 1000PSI is enough pressure to get mud and other stuff off but only having small amount of water won't do much. Doing a pre-wash with a pressure washer and foam cannon is good to loosen stuff up but your still not going to get everything off the vehicle, hence why you still need to physically wash the vehicle. If you were putting a wax spray on your car, would you not want the surface to be as clean as possible? If you dry the vehicle with small amounts of dirt on the surface then you will scratch your clearcoat.

I have a 2800PSI 2.3GPM gas pressure washer that I can use. Will it get everything off and make it really clean without hand washing it? Nope. That's why I do the 2 bucket system afterwards.

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