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Pop behind dash (screen) and wont start


Aug 25, 2019
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19 Limited, 12k miles. Went out to start it this morning, hit pushbutton start and pop. Just kept saying push brake and start button. Nothing happening. When I got out the auto running board was still out. It will not start, but has power. Any ideas? I live about 65 miles from the nearest Ram dealer. Sad thing is I am supposed to take it there tomorrow cause I have a headlight out already. However not being able to start it, looks like that wont happen unless it is on the back of a truck. I'm a little worried I have a big electrical issue.
Have you checked the fuses? The panel under the steering wheel has two screws holding it in. If you pull up the fuse section of the manual you will find a chart that should list some likely fuses to check. Fuses typically blow for a reason so there’s no guarantee finding a blown fuse will fix the issue, but as far as electrical issues go that’s usually the best place to start.

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Have you checked the fuses? The panel under the steering wheel has two screws holding it in. If you pull up the fuse section of the manual you will find a chart that should list some likely fuses to check. Fuses typically blow for a reason so there’s no guarantee finding a blown fuse will fix the issue, but as far as electrical issues go that’s usually the best place to start.

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Couldn't get to them without what felt like tearing the truck apart. Went back out and tried to start again and the same thing happened. Then it tried to start but didnt seem like the battery had enough juice. Hooked up cables and tried again, but same. Then the brake vacuum started acting like it was trying to do something. It kept kicking on and off for 5 minutes or so, all while the ignition said it was "running". I unhooked the battery to see if it just needed to reset itself, but nothing. It is completely screwed up. Super frustrating and I have no idea what to do now.
Check the grounding points under the hood. There are several threads on this forum about electrical problems that eventually were traced to faulty grounds. Good luck and keep us posted, please.
did you get to and check the fuses or not?
checked the ones under the hood. Didnt get to the ones in the cab. Looking at book now to figure out to get in there.
Haven’t read any posts about issues with grounds in the cab, but you never know.
checked the ones under the hood. Didnt get to the ones in the cab. Looking at book now to figure out to get in there.
You have so many things going on at once.... if the grounds under the hood all seem to be good, go the other way, disconnect negative battery terminal, give it 30 minutes or so to settle and reconnect. You will lose some personal settings for a while but based on everything that has been posted it will all eventually return. The other thing is that if it is not a ground issue, you find no blown fuses and don’t see any thing else obvious, it is probably one of the control modules that only the dealer can diagnose. I have read on the forum with other people having multiple electrical type issues and it all boils down to one bad module.

I think I have got a major issue... all that rust, right near the internal power distribution center....
When I went back out there this time it said service parking brake.... I couldn't find any blown fuses. The grounds are all tight under the hood.
Maybe, but a lot of us have rust on the mild steel parts in the truck. Have you had evidence of leaks in your truck particularly the front drivers side, such as the carpeting?
There was an issue before I purchased the truck, but I understood it was in the back. They replaced the back seat and headliner. I wasnt lead to believe it was the sunroof or front was ever a problem.
Jumped it again cause I used a multimeter and saw the battery was low. it turned over and I got it started. But..... now the cameras are all blue with no video and the check engine light is on....
Jumped it again cause I used a multimeter and saw the battery was low. it turned over and I got it started. But..... now the cameras are all blue with no video and the check engine light is on....
At least you are making progress, that is good. Maybe once you have the battery good and charged and some time has elapsed, everything will return to normal. Might be worth a trip to Autozone to get battery checked and read the fault codes.
I had the same pop and the truck wouldn’t start, the pop was very loud and came through the ants. I did notice when I got in The running boards were deployed. Turns out the battery was drained just enough to partially run the electronics but not enough to turn it over.(10.5 volts if I remember correctly). Took a jump pack out to it and a couple minutes later it started right up. It did take a few hours for everything to reinitialize and work properly. It’s been perfectly fine ever since. Still don’t know what caused the battery to drain. I always keep a jump pack In the car.

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Drove it around for about an hour yesterday, it started right up the couple times I tried. This morning (25 degrees and blowing 40), it wouldn't start again. I am thinking I may head to my appointment early, and see what they say. I dont know why the battery would be draining...
When I went back out there this time it said service parking brake.... I couldn't find any blown fuses. The grounds are all tight under the hood.

Hi Txtech25,

I'm very sorry to hear of the trouble you are experiencing. Please be sure to keep us updated on your dealer's findings. If our team can be of any additional support as you are working with your dealer, we would be more than happy to help. We are just a PM away.

Could be a bad battery, it happens. I had a battery that only had a surface charge meaning it tested at 13.2 volts but when a LAPD was put on it went dead and this battery was only a month old. Optimal replaced it no questions asked. But anyway the dealer will load test the battery and if that checks out to be good they will trace the source of the drain. Did you install any electronics, radar detector, dash cam etc?

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Could be a bad battery, it happens. I had a battery that only had a surface charge meaning it tested at 13.2 volts but when a LAPD was put on it went dead and this battery was only a month old. Optimal replaced it no questions asked. But anyway the dealer will load test the battery and if that checks out to be good they will trace the source of the drain. Did you install any electronics, radar detector, dash cam etc?

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Nope, nothing. I think it has to be the battery. I am at the dealership now and will report back.
I had the same pop and the truck wouldn’t start, the pop was very loud and came through the ants. I did notice when I got in The running boards were deployed. Turns out the battery was drained just enough to partially run the electronics but not enough to turn it over.(10.5 volts if I remember correctly). Took a jump pack out to it and a couple minutes later it started right up. It did take a few hours for everything to reinitialize and work properly. It’s been perfectly fine ever since. Still don’t know what caused the battery to drain. I always keep a jump pack In the car. do you have air suspension my 2014 did the same thing it was caused by the compressor cycling when it wasn't supposed to got rid of it after many issues with the suspension.

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