@JRS200x I took your info to be offered in good spirit and I think you did well to stay cool. Thanks for that.
@alacombe I work with and appreciate people with some of your traits. You don’t pull punches and get down to business/brass tacks and I value that... in certain circumstances that need it. I will admit though you can sound VERY gruff in some online conversations especially, and somewhat understandably, on topics which you have unpleasant experiences with. Take it for what it’s worth you know I’m still getting to know you guys, and I’m really glad you didn’t take anything personal.
I will confirm
@JRS200x ’s info that even though an order isn’t allowed to be changed by the dealer after it is D, they can (and sometimes do, like mine) still call to request changes to orders. I’ve done it twice successfully in D status, though this may be in part due to Ramboxes moving as slow as molasus molassass malas... as a slug in winter. I don’t doubt
some dealers will refuse considering changes even when they can, and there is of course a real cut off date when the truck gets lined up to be built. Hopefully you have a good relationship with a helpful dealer.
@BobbiBigWheels told me the rules in his neck of the woods (Canada) are slightly more stringent for dealers, limiting changes.