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Auto high beams are useless

i do not think they work very well, they reflect off all the signs around here and are constantly high/low/high/low ... now i just set my headlight switch to auto and i have placed a cover over the sensor on the dash .... this makes the headlights manual but when i shut off the engine the lights will go OFF automatically just like the head lights in my 2010, 2012,3015, 2016, 2018 Tundras ... i can not find any other way to get the lights auto on/off on these RAMs
just disable the auto hi beam in the uconnect settings and leave your dash switch on auto if you want auto on and off .
I think they work really good and are quick. Yeah they sometimes falsely go off but still great.
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I think they work well but I have had the road sign issue occur also which is kinda annoying. When I turned the feature off I realized I was much more forgetful in leaving my highbeams on with an oncoming vehicle so I turned it back on to be more courteous to other drivers. Do they allow this option if you don't have LED headlights? If that is the case I would probably disable them because it would probably shorten the life of Incandecent bulbs.
These auto high beams suck on these trucks. It is a completely useless feature unless all
You do is drive on a flat highway. I’ve driven other cars with it and they all have a sensitivity adjustment. I don’t understand how people say they are so great. My lights go on and off and on and off over and over again any road sign plays havoc with the high beams.
Edit: video didn’t post originally

I love mine and dislike driving at night in my other vehicles that don't have them. I live down a country road, and being as it is dark for most of the day during the winter they are a great feature to have. When i drive other vehicles, including a cadillac CT6 with excellent LED lights i find myself annoyed with having to turn the high beams off every time someone comes the other way.

Do they sometimes turn off when i would have left them on? Yes they do. However, i still spend much less time worrying about turning them off on a bumpy dark narrow back road than if they were not automatic.
I mean how perfect can a binary system be? Its all 1's and 0's, there's no AI behind it.

***If you see 2 light sources this bright this far apart from each other, turn off high beams.***
***If you don't see any light sources, turn on high beams.***

Maybe its two street lights, maybe its light posts, maybe its street signs...it's stupid in, stupid out.

If it's completely random and frustrating you, maybe you have a defective unit the dealer should look at.

My auto high beams aren't perfect, but they are better than my Ford F150's, Jeep Grand Cherokee's, Lexus IS's were and seem better than my buddy's Audi S6.
I would rather it be too sensitive and turn off on certain reflective-coated signs, then not be sensitive enough and blind motorcyclists and vehicles with dim headlights.

Honestly, I rarely use my high beams anyway, since the low beams are strong enough to give great coverage most of the time.

High beams meant a lot more on older cars with crappy headlights; now, they are so much stronger that they are much more dangerous to oncoming traffic, especially in a truck with higher bulb placement. Compare a high beam from the 80's with the ones from this truck, and it is like a candle beside the Sun.
Mine seem to work when they want to, which isn't often. The auto lights on my wife's civic work almost too good.
There has to be something going on here. You guys who say they work pretty good, do not have what some of us have, no way. Mine perform just like the video, if not worse; sometimes one road sign can cause them to go dim / bright / dim / bright / dim / bright. The sign causes them to dim, which stops the sign from reflecting & causes them to go bright; light on the sign again and they dim, and so on & so forth. This can go on every couple seconds, several times before you finally get past one sign. Then, it's on to the next sign. Repeat. They drive you nuts.

I have had auto dimming lights on 2 other FCA vehicles; my 2011 Chrysler 300C and my 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Although there were a few false dims here & there, for the most part they worked great, I loved that feature and was looking forward to having it on the Ram. Having it turned on, with an occasional accidental dim, far outweighed not having it, just as many of you describe your Ram. Not my Ram though, no way. None of you would use it if you had to drive 5 minutes with it the way mine works.

I'm fine dimming them manually, life is too short to get wound up over something like this. Maybe it's the build date of the Ram (mine is an earlier build) or it's just the crazy bright reflective road signs we have here in Minnesota these days. But it's something, those who say theirs works great are not experiencing what some of us are. Again, my last 2 FCA vehicles worked very good & it was worth the occasional false dim to have the feature on. The Ram, however, absolutely not.
My auto brights also go crazy with white reflective road signs. My 16 Ram did not do this. Neither do my Charger or Challenger from 2016. I think these new LEDs are so much whiter than even the Charger LED that the auto dim logic isn't fully sorted out for the new Ram. I just leave my headlight stalk back on city roads. I can only use the auto brights on dark roads with very few or no white street signs.
My auto brights also go crazy with white reflective road signs. My 16 Ram did not do this. Neither do my Charger or Challenger from 2016. I think these new LEDs are so much whiter than even the Charger LED that the auto dim logic isn't fully sorted out for the new Ram. I just leave my headlight stalk back on city roads. I can only use the auto brights on dark roads with very few or no white street signs.
I agree on the bright white lights. These lights are seriously much brighter than any headlights I've ever had. I'd pick the brightness of them over the functionality of the auto dimmers to be honest, if you couldn't have both. Great lights.
i do not think they work very well, they reflect off all the signs around here and are constantly high/low/high/low ... now i just set my headlight switch to auto and i have placed a cover over the sensor on the dash .... this makes the headlights manual but when i shut off the engine the lights will go OFF automatically just like the head lights in my 2010, 2012,3015, 2016, 2018 Tundras ... i can not find any other way to get the lights auto on/off on these RAMs

They There, the feature for the auto high beams is in the Uconnect settings, under the lights settings. Hope that helps.
I agree with OP, the constant hi to low on 2 lane roads is ridiculous and I have just stopped using the auto feature, we have a '18 durango and they work perfectly

Completely agree. I was super stoked to have this on the 19 Ram over my 13. It works GREAT on my wife's 18 Durango, but man it's WAY too sensitive on my Ram. I don’t know if it’s the height of the truck vs the Durango or what, but every sign it hits they kick off. I finally got mad and disabled mine in the Settings. I hated doing it but mine goes on and off so much I'm afraid it's going to cause a seizure lol.
I dunno... So long as they turn off for oncoming cars, I think I could live with the sign reflections. We'll see.
Mine work fine. When I get in town I turn them off. Otherwise they work as expected.
i live in the country .. lots of overhanging trees .. mine would turn on and off because of the trees just as another car would be passing me, they thought i was flashing my lights at them and would wave ... they may not work for auto high and low beam but they sure do slow other drivers down ... hehehehe
My Mercedes GLC operates exactly the same. It can be annoying in dark country roads with signs and on some highway with traffic. Pros and cons to it. I like it.

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