You're right, no such thing as one last question. I have two more.
What do people think of the motorized running boards? I have heard of awful experiences with them on Jeeps (rust, clogging with mud) to the extent that they cease to function. Any concerns here? I would rather do without running boards but it's not an option with the shorter, better half in the house. And with the better equipment package, I don't believe you can select a fixed board.
When will ARE have fiberglass caps for the 2019 1500s?
What do people think of the motorized running boards? I have heard of awful experiences with them on Jeeps (rust, clogging with mud) to the extent that they cease to function. Any concerns here? I would rather do without running boards but it's not an option with the shorter, better half in the house. And with the better equipment package, I don't believe you can select a fixed board.
When will ARE have fiberglass caps for the 2019 1500s?