Looking for some advice on this deal. I'm in Canada.
- 2021 Ram Sport, financed at 0%
- MSRP $82k after options, etc
- Employee discount, down to $75k
- Freight & HST takes final price to $88k
I'm coming to the deal with $6k in equity so the amount to be financed would be around $82k
I plan to drive it for 3-4yrs and see myself putting 40,000km on it per year (25,000 miles per year) so 120,000-160,000km at the end of 3-4yrs (75,000-100,000miles)
Since I'm financing at 0% and am starting with some equity and discounts ($14,000 between my $6k equity from current deal combined with employee discount) my hope is that by the 3-4 year mark, the truck will be worth more than I owe on it and I'll be able to continue to build equity in the next deal, and the next, etc.
If I finance for 96mos and trade at the 36mos mark (with 120,000km), I would owe $55k. If I trade after 48mos (with 160,000km) I would owe $45k. Basically the 96month term has be paying off roughly $10k/year.
If I finance for 84mos, I'd owe $50k at 36mos with 120,000km on it and $45k at 48mos with 160,000 on it.
So I guess my question(s) are:
(1.) generally, what are opinions on this strategy?
(2.) If I go with the 96mos term and plan to trade after 36mos - owing $55k, what are chances that I will protect and grow the $6k in equity that I have in the deal?
(3.) Is this just a stupid strategy that'll never work with such high finance terms?