I really like the Stealth Fighter bumper…I done cut into my bumper and installed some *hopefully* real foglights! I'll wire them up tomorrow and post results
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Sooooooooo.... what y'all do your Ram's today??![]()
Cooler? Gonna need pics for that claim!I looked at it as I drive my s10 more. Dare I say my pos10 is cooler to drive around than the ram. Not as confrontable though.
I put this on my Christmas list for my wife and kids. Did you happen to take any pictures of your wiring, front to back? You stated under the passenger's side. Was that under the carpet? under the door jams? Just trying to learn the easiest/best way because I will probably be installing mine after Christmas in 30-degree weather.Just installed FitCamX, 4k front and 1080 rear. Took about 20 min start to finish. Ran my rear cable along the bottom of the passenger side and had about 6” of extra cable that I tucked into the rear passenger seat belt trim.
Quality is good and app works better than the others I tried. Fit and finish is perfect and other than the Fitcam sticker on the side, it looks factory.
Well said.I don't know why we're discussing highest speeds in snow like its a badge of honor to be attained.
Snow is no joke; and if it is, its not one that I find particularly funny. Once the winter hits, I make no promises to anyone where punctuality is concerned. I get there when I get there! If you can't handle that, then that's a 'you' problem.
I've been in the medical field for over 2 decades and I know all too well what can happen from one bad instance or judgement on the road. In most occasions, death ends up being the easy way out.
Y'all run your numbers and prove your manhood all you want, but when shyte goes sideways, make sure not to take anyone else with you.....whether you're going into the ditch, over a cliff, up the heavenly escalator, or free-falling in the other direction.
It not about proving manhood, it's about being confident in your vehicle and skills. As you said, driving the conditions. If you aren't comfortable driving in certain conditions, to where you endanger others on the road by driving way to slow, just stay off the roads. I will drive as fast as I feel comfortable with in rain and snow. Which is usually faster than most other people. But zim not going to try and drive beyond the capabilities of my vehicle or skillsWell said.
Personally, I drive according to the road conditions. On my way up the mountain, it started with freezing rain, then turned to snow. That’s like shuffle board wax on a table. With driving up a mountain, it’s a l-o-n-n-g-g-g way down and not a ride I wish to contemplate. Not a time to be a redneck or as you say, “Prove my manhood!”
I put this on my Christmas list for my wife and kids. Did you happen to take any pictures of your wiring, front to back? You stated under the passenger's side. Was that under the carpet? under the door jams? Just trying to learn the easiest/best way because I will probably be installing mine after Christmas in 30-degree weather.
They did a long with a 3x4 drop, it scraps a lot.
I live a couple hours south of Buffalo and we get hammered with lake effect and often ice. We're pretty rural, and don't have freeways, but I've never seen anyone in the ditch because they were going to slow. It's the guys in a hurry that get in trouble. I agree completely. It hurts nobody to slow down a little and drive for the conditions at hand.Many of you in the US (excluding Alaska and many northern states)are lightweights when it comes to snow.
Where I grew up in Saskatchewan, Winter was like 6 months long. So cold you could break your door handle off just pulling on it too hard. Sitting on your cushy drivers seat was like sitting on a solid church pew. We got so much snow you couldn’t see your neighbour and at times you’d have to call someone to shovel out your front door due to snow drifts. Being such flat land in the prairies, the wind would just howl and polish the roads to a fine sheen of ice.
Trust me…at 65, I’ve been through a few winters and have a pretty good idea of how to deal with winter, winter drivers and driving conditions.
I’d never chastise someone for being cautious in poor driving conditions. People have to get places for a multitude of reasons. They’re cautious because they likely don’t have the experience to understand how to react, or how their vehicle reacts in poor conditions. I’ll take their slow cautiousness over an overconfident driving to fast for conditions idiot any day!
I love S10's, and all the other mini trucks! So badly wish they would build something like this today. My '64 C10 looks like a mini sitting next to my stock suspension Rebel.
On sale where?It’s on sale right now. Plus an extra 10% off with code CAM333. The Front 4K+ Rear 1080P+ 128G is $242 shipped. Original price is $299 plus shipping.
check amazon, that is where I got mine, was cheaper than fitcamx web site
check amazon, that is where I got mine, was cheaper than fitcamx web site