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What did you do to your Ram today???

On it way back for 2nd miss fire. Starting to really love my $50000 dollar driveway queen. This is my 4th check engine light in 2 years. 2nd for misfire. Last misfire took 3 visits to the dealer to get it fixed. The first misfire was in OCTOBER. 33000 MILES 2020

Are the miss fire due to fuel injectors failing? I had 2 replaced for that.
Started the process of filling winter paint chips and coating my truck. Decided to give Adam's liquid graphene a go. I've used their detailer spray before and liked that. Goes on and polishes out incredibly smooth, and beads / runs off water like crazy (like any new wax should I guess). I was driving my beater during the process, only to have the exhaust break at the downpipe. Only got about half the truck done before I was forced to drive it in the rain. Time to wash again :rolleyes:
@tac63 :
Is there wiring under the hood insulation for the lights?
How do you turn on the underhood lights?
Can they turn on automatically when hood is opened?

The wiring is not underhood. I took the plastic connectors out that hold the factory hood insulation on in those spots, took some new plastic push connectors and shaved them down to fit in the middle of the lights (there is a mounting hole) and then attached them again with those, so no new holes. I then ran a hot and ground line from each under the insulation and then down a hood hinge to a switch box under the hood. I then can turn the lights on from my switch panel inside the truck. That being said they sell a kit with all the wiring and a switch and relay that mounts the switch under the hood or elsewhere. If I didn't already have a switch panel planned for this, I would have used a magnetic contact or pressure switch inline to turn on and off when the hood was opened.
Do you believe the president sets global oil and refinery prices?
Do you think, if a president DID set prices, that a president WOULD set prices uncomfortably high without controlling both houses, and in an election year with a thin margin in one of the houses, in his first term?

I have seen similar posts all over Facebook. I don't expect every citizen to understand how oil economics work, but it's dismaying how prevalent such a poor understanding is.

  • Oil is a global market, with over 30 countries producing.
  • There are oil production alliances in place which can either balance or unbalance prices.
  • US gasoline refineries are designed to begin with a certain type of oil feedstock that is NOT the kind of oil our country produces. No matter how much oil we produce, we still need to import oil to refine.
  • Oil residing in the US is NOT a publicly owned resource. We are a capitalist country. Citizens don't own lumber, minerals, oil, natural gas or any other natural resource.
  • US oil, gas, and gasoline can and will be sold anywhere in the world, and will be transacted at global prices. Again, we are capitalist. You won't find $1 gas here when some other country has $4 gas. Remember how much you hate "socialism"? Hugo Chavez ran oil-rich Venezuela as a socialist country and kept gas prices low there. And yet, he was hated here for being socialist. Go figure. A producer will consider the costs to remove it from this market and go sell it in another market where they'll make more money.
  • US producers are currently reluctant to use cash reserves to drill more. Labor resources are low. Shareholders want dividends and stock buybacks rather than new drilling investment. Oil as a resource is falling out of favor compared to greener options.
Presidents don't set prices. Period. You don't have to like the guy, but at least be sensible about the range of powers he has and doesn't have.
While it's true that a president can't set prices, he can certainly have an effect on prices. The rhetoric coming from Biden has certainly been anti-oil, and investors heard that loud and clear. If I had been on the fence as to whether to spend money on new drilling rigs, I would have backed off when Biden was elected. And if you look at the prices in the chart below, note the turning point where they started steadily rising. Election day.

While it's true that a president can't set prices, he can certainly have an effect on prices. The rhetoric coming from Biden has certainly been anti-oil, and investors heard that loud and clear. If I had been on the fence as to whether to spend money on new drilling rigs, I would have backed off when Biden was elected. And if you look at the prices in the chart below, note the turning point where they started steadily rising. Election day.

View attachment 124193

What did Biden do day 1 in office?
Closed the Keystone pipeline.

Like you said, it’s gone up since he’s been in office, there’s no denying that. Not sure how people don’t understand this. (If it’s unclear I agree with what you said.)
While it's true that a president can't set prices, he can certainly have an effect on prices. The rhetoric coming from Biden has certainly been anti-oil, and investors heard that loud and clear. If I had been on the fence as to whether to spend money on new drilling rigs, I would have backed off when Biden was elected. And if you look at the prices in the chart below, note the turning point where they started steadily rising. Election day.

View attachment 124193
This chart without the rest of the info is usuless and misleading. Production of oil is down compare to pre pandemic. Also is all comes down to money. The oil industfy is trying to cash in and refuse to increase oil output
Do you believe the president sets global oil and refinery prices?
Do you think, if a president DID set prices, that a president WOULD set prices uncomfortably high without controlling both houses, and in an election year with a thin margin in one of the houses, in his first term?

I have seen similar posts all over Facebook. I don't expect every citizen to understand how oil economics work, but it's dismaying how prevalent such a poor understanding is.

  • Oil is a global market, with over 30 countries producing.
  • There are oil production alliances in place which can either balance or unbalance prices.
  • US gasoline refineries are designed to begin with a certain type of oil feedstock that is NOT the kind of oil our country produces. No matter how much oil we produce, we still need to import oil to refine.
  • Oil residing in the US is NOT a publicly owned resource. We are a capitalist country. Citizens don't own lumber, minerals, oil, natural gas or any other natural resource.
  • US oil, gas, and gasoline can and will be sold anywhere in the world, and will be transacted at global prices. Again, we are capitalist. You won't find $1 gas here when some other country has $4 gas. Remember how much you hate "socialism"? Hugo Chavez ran oil-rich Venezuela as a socialist country and kept gas prices low there. And yet, he was hated here for being socialist. Go figure. A producer will consider the costs to remove it from this market and go sell it in another market where they'll make more money.
  • US producers are currently reluctant to use cash reserves to drill more. Labor resources are low. Shareholders want dividends and stock buybacks rather than new drilling investment. Oil as a resource is falling out of favor compared to greener options.
Presidents don't set prices. Period. You don't have to like the guy, but at least be sensible about the range of powers he has and doesn't have.
Sad but true. No president has the power.
From my point of view and by plain common sense this is all about the oil industry cashing in. The ev's are coming, every automaker is increasing their investmnet in them.
Biden in this case is an easy target and scapegoat.
I find that neither party represents me or any middle class and don't understand die hard fans of any president. The previous administration major policies that affect me were not great. The tax cut was a wash for me. I get more money each paycheck but pay more money when i file. The savings that were suppose to pass onto us the workers didn't happend. Most corporations kept their money and wages didn't go up. The tarifs were probably a good idea but in the i feel didn't accomplish anything.
Take another example meet prices are crazy high. That started during and maybe even before the pandemic and with the previous administration. Finaly last i heard the senate was working to set some sort of policy to hopefuly help. Will it, doubfull. We are a capitalism country. We pay with out pockets
what did you do to your Ram today?
washing it again, man does it get dusty, 3 weeks straight. I didn't expect this tank color to be as bad as black. my 2012 jeep was black and the water marks were an issue after a wash for me since I am not great at detailing my cars. my 2017 4 gen was white and I could go weeks without feeling the need to wash it.
seriously considering getting some sort of truck cover for it if there is one. me and my dad work at the same place right now and we alternate vehicles so the truck sits for a week collecting dust.
currently using one of those car dusters but wonder if those are bad for the paint/clear coat
facts are your friend. would love to see people getting charged with defacement of property with these stupid stickers.

Ref: https://www.dallasfed.org/research/surveys/des/2022/2201.aspx#tab-report

View attachment 124203
"Investor pressure to maintain capital discipline" could also be "investors don't want to invest money on this during a hostile administration". Just because the executives themselves don't cite it as a factor doesn't mean it's not a factor.
Just sayin'.
would love to see people getting charged with defacement of property with these stupid stickers.
It does make me wonder what some of these folks would think about someone putting stickers all over their Rams.
I didn't put stickers on anything. They were there already. Personally, I think it's silly. Funny, though it may be. I just showed how expensive gas was when I filled up. I don't want to start a political debate. I have an opinion like everyone else. But, this is not a political forum. So, I keep it to myself.

I don't need a lecture, or a copy and paste graph about facts, either. Thanks.

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