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Totally Frustrated


Feb 12, 2021
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I am frustrated dealerships can't seem to perform simple quality control checks after they perform a repair. I bought my 2019 Ram limited back in February. A week after I got it it started acting like it was possessed while driving down the road the power steering would stop working for 10 seconds or so while turning on a warning about it followed by a warning about the air suspension needing immediate service as well as warnings about some of the active safety features brake assist lane assist and what not. So I call the dealership I have service done at and make an appointment. While there they tell me my 12V battery is bad and not to worry they have one and replace it pronto but as a warning truck will take 48-72 hrs to relearn its self. I state hey cool but no way a bad battery caused all that my truck was doing, to which they blew me off trust us we have seen this before. Welp sure enough less then 2 days later no power steering while driving again and other things. Call make another appointment for my days off to bring truck in, bring truck in sit 6+ hrs in waiting room to be told hey truck is fixed turns out it was a couple of loose grounds in the system. I leave dealership and go get something to eat since I am starving at this point, as I back out of the place I had gone to grab some food I notice hey no backup camera. Quickly zip back to dealer to ask hey did no one notice this I get a oops- sorry let us take a look and see what's up - two hrs later I get a hey we had to order a new backup camera. 2 weeks go by get it back in for camera and no fix, to which I am told they need to order a module which is on back order and will be a while. 2 months go by and module comes in and another appointment at which time I mention hey sometimes when I hit the bump going into my drive the radio jumps off the station it is on to static and I go sit in waiting room after a bit they come get me and say hey we had to order a new Radio as we think that is what has been rear Camera problem. A month goes by radio finally comes in another time at dealer still not fixed. At this point they say they need to contact a engineer to find out what to do and they will call me. I at this point reach out to @RamCares he tells me to take it to another dealer and see what they say. Well get in contact with dealer and started asking for copies of service ticket so when I take it to another dealer they are not flying blind when they say hey let us bring it in one more time mech and engineer have talked and he knows what to look for, I let them come get my truck and they take it for the day and say hey it is fixed. Well it looked fixed I could see the backup camera was working but failed to notice the surround camera's were not. The front camera works, the back camera works but the mirror camera's do not. So mad because this is something they broke while fixing something else. They told me it was a pin in one of the 20 connectors of the camera system. Thanks for letting me vent... but dang after 4 months I still have a broken truck.
Sorry to hear about your issues man, that sucks and the one organization that can make it right is the dealership on the consumer level, and FCA currently has the worst rated dealerships in the US. I honestly think FCA wasn't prepared for how popular their RAMs, Jeeps and Dodge cars were doing to be and they can't handle the work load.

I mean my truck has literally been flawless these last two years, I've never taken it back to the dealership, but something as simple as the floor mat recall for my driver's mat has been incredibly frustrating. The service departments of both the largest and closest dealerships near me can't seem to figure out something as simple as that, nor do they seem to care how crappy their customer service is.

If something as basic as a floor mat is causing them issues, I can't imagine how frustrating the actual mechanical issues you're going through must be. That's one of the reasons why I may not actually get an extended warranty, because I don't want to deal with FCA should I have an issue down the road. I may just go independent shop or get another truck. That's how much I don't like FCA dealerships. They will literally make what should be a simple fix into a big hassle for the customer because their are too lazy or don't care about customer service.

Stellantis is riding high with huge profits from RAM and Jeep at the moment, hopefully the new owners of FCA will look into improving dealership customer service, especially on the service side.
I am frustrated dealerships can't seem to perform simple quality control checks after they perform a repair. I bought my 2019 Ram limited back in February. A week after I got it it started acting like it was possessed while driving down the road the power steering would stop working for 10 seconds or so while turning on a warning about it followed by a warning about the air suspension needing immediate service as well as warnings about some of the active safety features brake assist lane assist and what not. So I call the dealership I have service done at and make an appointment. While there they tell me my 12V battery is bad and not to worry they have one and replace it pronto but as a warning truck will take 48-72 hrs to relearn its self. I state hey cool but no way a bad battery caused all that my truck was doing, to which they blew me off trust us we have seen this before. Welp sure enough less then 2 days later no power steering while driving again and other things. Call make another appointment for my days off to bring truck in, bring truck in sit 6+ hrs in waiting room to be told hey truck is fixed turns out it was a couple of loose grounds in the system. I leave dealership and go get something to eat since I am starving at this point, as I back out of the place I had gone to grab some food I notice hey no backup camera. Quickly zip back to dealer to ask hey did no one notice this I get a oops- sorry let us take a look and see what's up - two hrs later I get a hey we had to order a new backup camera. 2 weeks go by get it back in for camera and no fix, to which I am told they need to order a module which is on back order and will be a while. 2 months go by and module comes in and another appointment at which time I mention hey sometimes when I hit the bump going into my drive the radio jumps off the station it is on to static and I go sit in waiting room after a bit they come get me and say hey we had to order a new Radio as we think that is what has been rear Camera problem. A month goes by radio finally comes in another time at dealer still not fixed. At this point they say they need to contact a engineer to find out what to do and they will call me. I at this point reach out to @RamCares he tells me to take it to another dealer and see what they say. Well get in contact with dealer and started asking for copies of service ticket so when I take it to another dealer they are not flying blind when they say hey let us bring it in one more time mech and engineer have talked and he knows what to look for, I let them come get my truck and they take it for the day and say hey it is fixed. Well it looked fixed I could see the backup camera was working but failed to notice the surround camera's were not. The front camera works, the back camera works but the mirror camera's do not. So mad because this is something they broke while fixing something else. They told me it was a pin in one of the 20 connectors of the camera system. Thanks for letting me vent... but dang after 4 months I still have a broken truck.
I will say that the folks hired to service these trucks are either incompetent, not trained, lazy, or.... I've been in multiple times for repeat issues it's like they are not capable of diagnosing or fixing things right the first time.
Only FACTORY OWNERSHIP of every service center will make the step change in service that is required to make it better. Like working from home versus the office, the dealership model is archaic and needs to be changed. The dealership has very little interest in a satisfied customer because corporate calls the shots on warranty repairs.

Likewise, the guys at the top need to be compensated based upon customer satisfaction ratings and sales volume or profits. Sales volume and profits will follow the level of customer satisfaction in both sales and service after the sale. The entire sales/service feedback loop and resulting compensation is jacked before the car/truck is ever built. The rewards (compensation) of everyone is based upon the wrong metrics.
Totally understand your frustration.

It reads like the first dealership was just shooting the parts cannon at the problem, and not doing any true diagnostics. Second dealership did a much better job, although they forgot to hook mirror cameras up. I'd give them another chance at fixing it.

In my area it took me a few years to find a dealership where there are at least some technicians who can still diagnose a problem, instead of reading OBD codes and firing the parts cannon. I now take our trucks there all the time and it's a pretty good experience. It shouldn't have to be that way, since even the crap ones charge $150/hr, but that's the world we live in.
Only FACTORY OWNERSHIP of every service center will make the step change in service that is required to make it better. Like working from home versus the office, the dealership model is archaic and needs to be changed. The dealership has very little interest in a satisfied customer because corporate calls the shots on warranty repairs.

Likewise, the guys at the top need to be compensated based upon customer satisfaction ratings and sales volume or profits. Sales volume and profits will follow the level of customer satisfaction in both sales and service after the sale. The entire sales/service feedback loop and resulting compensation is jacked before the car/truck is ever built. The rewards (compensation) of everyone is based upon the wrong metrics.

I'm with you here. I don't know that Factory Ownership is the only solution, but it sure seems like a good approach to try.

Another approach is to simply make reliable cars. The excuse that cars are "so complex these days" is baloney. Toyota and Honda both figured out how to make reliable cars. I've owned multiple models of both of these, and they just run without needing repair. Some of their dealerships are crappy but it doesn't matter much if the car rarely breaks.
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Totally understand your frustration.

It reads like the first dealership was just shooting the parts cannon at the problem, and not doing any true diagnostics. Second dealership did a much better job, although they forgot to hook mirror cameras up. I'd give them another chance at fixing it.

In my area it took me a few years to find a dealership where there are at least some technicians who can still diagnose a problem, instead of reading OBD codes and firing the parts cannon. I now take our trucks there all the time and it's a pretty good experience. It shouldn't have to be that way, since even the crap ones charge $150/hr, but that's the world we live in.
Which dealer are you using? When mine comes in, it will be my first RAM and I have a sneaky suspicion that the dealer closest to me is in over their head! Please excuse the hijack!
Only FACTORY OWNERSHIP of every service center will make the step change in service that is required to make it better. Like working from home versus the office, the dealership model is archaic and needs to be changed. The dealership has very little interest in a satisfied customer because corporate calls the shots on warranty repairs.

Likewise, the guys at the top need to be compensated based upon customer satisfaction ratings and sales volume or profits. Sales volume and profits will follow the level of customer satisfaction in both sales and service after the sale. The entire sales/service feedback loop and resulting compensation is jacked before the car/truck is ever built. The rewards (compensation) of everyone is based upon the wrong metrics.
I am lucky so far to have a fairly good truck. However, I also own a Tesla Model S, and I have to tell factory owned service centers are definitely not the answer. Tesla service is the absolute worst. There is no choice but to go back to them. They are a bunch of non caring douches. They know you cant take it anywhere else and it reflects in their attitude. IT follows with this truck as well. Let's face it when you have a warranty you wont pay privately for repairs covered under warranty. But when warranty is up who will fix issues like this other than a dealer?
I say in this case if lemon law is available use it don't wait. IT does exist in some states for used vehicles as well.
Totally understand your frustration.

It reads like the first dealership was just shooting the parts cannon at the problem, and not doing any true diagnostics. Second dealership did a much better job, although they forgot to hook mirror cameras up. I'd give them another chance at fixing it.

In my area it took me a few years to find a dealership where there are at least some technicians who can still diagnose a problem, instead of reading OBD codes and firing the parts cannon. I now take our trucks there all the time and it's a pretty good experience. It shouldn't have to be that way, since even the crap ones charge $150/hr, but that's the world we live in.
this is all same dealership not 2 its why so frustrated, I think I have been more then patient with them I have been in the automotive business myself for over 20+ years so I know crap happens.
Which dealer are you using? When mine comes in, it will be my first RAM and I have a sneaky suspicion that the dealer closest to me is in over their head! Please excuse the hijack!
Hagans Dodge in Morrilton Ar.
I'm with you here. I don't know that Factory Ownership is the only solution, but it sure seems like a good approach to try.

Another approach is to simply make reliable cars. The excuse that cars are "so complex these days" is baloney. Toyota and Honda both figured out how to make reliable cars. I've owned multiple models of both of these, and they just run without needing repair. Some of their dealerships are crappy but it doesn't matter much if the car rarely breaks.
Not sure about that. I'm a member on a Honda Ridgeline forum and there are plenty of examples of broken trucks and poor QC there too.
Only FACTORY OWNERSHIP of every service center will make the step change in service that is required to make it better. Like working from home versus the office, the dealership model is archaic and needs to be changed. The dealership has very little interest in a satisfied customer because corporate calls the shots on warranty repairs.

Likewise, the guys at the top need to be compensated based upon customer satisfaction ratings and sales volume or profits. Sales volume and profits will follow the level of customer satisfaction in both sales and service after the sale. The entire sales/service feedback loop and resulting compensation is jacked before the car/truck is ever built. The rewards (compensation) of everyone is based upon the wrong metrics.
Unless they take the Tesla model for this, then they won't replace single parts that cost a few dollars but make you pay (if you're out of warranty or if something isn't covered) tens of thousands to replace entire assemblies instead. Diagnosing problems is not in their business model.
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Not sure about that. I'm a member on a Honda Ridgeline forum and there are plenty of examples of broken trucks and poor QC there too.
Yea, my wife's daily is a Honda Pilot (related platform). I'm glad we bought the 100k Honda extended warranty (for only $800, mind you) because the AC compressor has grenaded itself twice, which required replacement of all the lines/fittings/compressor. We've also had several electrical gremlins pop up within the past few months. Oh, and the powered liftgate has had 3 repairs so far.
Don't play the games. 30 days out of service, new truck time or a refund. If they fix it and you are happy make them warranty it forever. They will kick the can as long as you let them.
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Per the official source (the “truck gang” guy), it’s the illegitimate child between a Toyota Prius and an El Camino.
"The El Camino's payload rating ranged from 650–1,150 lb (290–520 kg), with gross vehicle weights ranging from 4,400–4,900 lb (2,000–2,200 kg) depending on powertrain and suspension. The somewhat soft passenger car suspension of the base model left the vehicle level without a load, in contrast the Ranchero, where standard 1100-pound rated heavy duty rear springs gave it a distinct rake when empty. The quirky Level Air suspension option, in its second and final year, was listed as available, but was almost never seen on any Chevrolet model, much less an El Camino."
..."The 1970 models received sheet metal revisions that gave the bodies a more squared-up stance, and interiors were also redesigned. The new SS396, which actually displaced 402 cu in (6.6 L) (although all emblems read 396) was available. Chevrolet's largest and most-powerful engine of the time was also put into a select few El Caminos. The LS6 454 CID engine, rated at 450 hp (336 kW) and 500 lb⋅ft (678 N⋅m) of torque, gave the El Camino 1/4-mile times in the upper 13-second range at around 106 mph (171 km/h)." (Bolding is mine)

Source - Wikipedia

Sheeit, gimme' one!
Who here had a drivers license at the same time other than me?
I am frustrated dealerships can't seem to perform simple quality control checks after they perform a repair. I bought my 2019 Ram limited back in February. A week after I got it it started acting like it was possessed while driving down the road the power steering would stop working for 10 seconds or so while turning on a warning about it followed by a warning about the air suspension needing immediate service as well as warnings about some of the active safety features brake assist lane assist and what not. So I call the dealership I have service done at and make an appointment. While there they tell me my 12V battery is bad and not to worry they have one and replace it pronto but as a warning truck will take 48-72 hrs to relearn its self. I state hey cool but no way a bad battery caused all that my truck was doing, to which they blew me off trust us we have seen this before. Welp sure enough less then 2 days later no power steering while driving again and other things. Call make another appointment for my days off to bring truck in, bring truck in sit 6+ hrs in waiting room to be told hey truck is fixed turns out it was a couple of loose grounds in the system. I leave dealership and go get something to eat since I am starving at this point, as I back out of the place I had gone to grab some food I notice hey no backup camera. Quickly zip back to dealer to ask hey did no one notice this I get a oops- sorry let us take a look and see what's up - two hrs later I get a hey we had to order a new backup camera. 2 weeks go by get it back in for camera and no fix, to which I am told they need to order a module which is on back order and will be a while. 2 months go by and module comes in and another appointment at which time I mention hey sometimes when I hit the bump going into my drive the radio jumps off the station it is on to static and I go sit in waiting room after a bit they come get me and say hey we had to order a new Radio as we think that is what has been rear Camera problem. A month goes by radio finally comes in another time at dealer still not fixed. At this point they say they need to contact a engineer to find out what to do and they will call me. I at this point reach out to @RamCares he tells me to take it to another dealer and see what they say. Well get in contact with dealer and started asking for copies of service ticket so when I take it to another dealer they are not flying blind when they say hey let us bring it in one more time mech and engineer have talked and he knows what to look for, I let them come get my truck and they take it for the day and say hey it is fixed. Well it looked fixed I could see the backup camera was working but failed to notice the surround camera's were not. The front camera works, the back camera works but the mirror camera's do not. So mad because this is something they broke while fixing something else. They told me it was a pin in one of the 20 connectors of the camera system. Thanks for letting me vent... but dang after 4 months I still have a broken truck.

Hello @Yotaman,

Our team understand your frustrations here. Definitely seems like a aggravating situation. We encourage you to continue our exchange via private chat so we can work towards finding a solution together.

We hope to hear back in the near future!
Ram Cares
Hello @Yotaman,

Our team understand your frustrations here. Definitely seems like a aggravating situation. We encourage you to continue our exchange via private chat so we can work towards finding a solution together.

We hope to hear back in the near future!
Ram Cares
message sent
Hello @Yotaman,

Our team understand your frustrations here. Definitely seems like a aggravating situation. We encourage you to continue our exchange via private chat so we can work towards finding a solution together.

We hope to hear back in the near future!
Ram Cares
Would he be receiving an actual reply? I've sent you two PMs, identical, same subject, and have yet to hear from you. Your name says something that your actions do not.

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