RIghtOnBracket! It worked. Your brackets were the solution to fitting the WeatherTech Alloy Tri-Fold Tonneau on my Limited. I installed the WeatherTech rails under your brackets and it looks great. Sorry for scratching your fine craftsmanship with my wrench, but the fit was wonderful and the screw holes aligned perfectly. Placing the bracket on top of the rails caused me to have to work the bracket a little to get the holes to line up; nevertheless . . . Thank you.

The only issue is that I have to put a little more weatherstripping under the front of the tonneau on top of the bulkhead because the brackets cause the tonneau to sit about 1/8 of an inch further back from the bulkhead than if no brackets were present. That is a small inconvenience for a wonderful looking tonneau that I could not have installed without your ingenuity and efforts.
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