I have a 2022 (TRX, not Limited), and I run a Tazer. My experience is as follows:
It works ok, for the most part. But only with "Live features", I do not marry it and I wouldn't suggest marrying it.
BrakeHold works ok. The truck creeps forward slightly on occasion, so you have to watch out to make sure it's fully engaged the brakes before you look away.
Kill3Honk works most of the time, but probably 10% of the time it doesn't work at all or honks once.
Amber DRL's works all the time for me.
It's also supposed to remember the last Drive Mode settings (TRX thing), but it also fails to do that about 10% of the time.
So given that it's not exactly a 100% reliable device, I would not use it for anything major (like the security features).