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Texas shooting

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Well said. I am supposedly "credible" (kind of depends on who you ask really) should I be put in charge of who the constitution applies to and doesn't?

I think not.

I sure don't want mama Nancy, Chuckie or even cocaine Mitch dictating what rights may or may not apply to me.
Then, you have to wonder who even decides who is credible enough to make that decision and who isn't.
No big deal.....these mass shootings are really pretty common now......lets just offer up some really good thoughts and prayers and do nothing again.....thank god we have thoughts and prayers.
What up JB!
Nah. We should pass more laws to make it really illegal. That should do it.
The shooter already broke multiple laws when he stormed that school. Another law won’t help. Also, the US had legislation in the 90s which banned assault weapons, didn’t do anything. There are just as many murders using hammers as guns. Maybe we should ban those too.
I don't know what laws could be changed or created to realistically prevent this type of thing from happening. It's not possible to prevent people from getting guns if they want them. It's also not possible to ever get people to hand over their guns to the government and be OK with having no means to protect themselves and their families.

People that do these mass shootings aren't mentally well. But that doesn't mean that having mental health issues causes people to do this either.

It seems that people that do this find it to be the easiest, quickest way to get themselves seen. To make the biggest impact they will ever make. Instant worldwide attention all for them. Bigger the shooting, the more famous they can be. Doesn't matter to them that they may not live to see it.

24 hour news stations, social media with constant bad news. People are always being bombarded with something bad, some new bad thing that's worse than the last thing. Good stories don't hit hard and keep viewers like the bad stories do. So it all feels like a competition to see who can share the worst news possible.

It's a doom competition, and mass shooters want to make the record books. Laws won't stop that.
The shooter already broke multiple laws when he stormed that school. Another law won’t help. Also, the US had legislation in the 90s which banned assault weapons, didn’t do anything. There are just as many murders using hammers as guns. Maybe we should ban those too.
That’s the liberal way. Create laws that never solve a problem and then when it all fails blame the Republicans.
It's the breakdown of the family unit, society - social media and the fake news plays a huge part in that, and the treating of mental illness as "lifestyle choices." Some might say the secularization of society plays a big role.

The nutjobs are running the asylum.
Thoughts and prayers is the way to go.....this clearly works.
I'm honestly interested in what you think would work.

Thoughts and prayers is another way to say empathy and sympathy. It's the most any of us can do after this happens. And the most any of us can do before the next one.
It's the breakdown of the family unit, society - social media and the fake news plays a huge part in that, and the treating of mental illness as "lifestyle choices." Some might say the secularization of society plays a big role.

The nutjobs are running the asylum.
Isn't that the truth. I don't understand why the media is trying to get rid of the nuclear family as the norm, and push all this weird backward bull$hit down everyone's throats. Then big tech sensors anyone trying to set the record straight. Crazy times.

Also, I think the covid lockdowns negatively affected many young folk because drug use and ODs climbed way up since then. It really is a mental health crisis.
Bro I’m a firm supporter of our 2nd amendment right to bear arms. Don’t take it so personal. This kid was obviously unstable. Guns are to hunt and to protect your homes and families. You think this kid would have had one person to say he should be able to walk into a Walmart and buy a weapon? You can’t buy a beer but you can buy a rifle. You tell me who a credible person is. A credible person is someone who is credible. Not Cocane Jim. Wtf I’m not a ****ing liberal but there has to be a way to keep guns out of the hands of some introvert looking to take out innocents. My guns are to protect my family from harm. At the very least someone over the age of 18 has a background to check. It’s all just ******** talk anyway. The government doesn’t listen to people like me or Biden would never be in office. We wouldn’t be sending billions of dollars to foreign countries and we Shute wouldn’t be paying 6 ****ing dollars a gallon for gas
Bro I’m a firm supporter of our 2nd amendment right to bear arms. Don’t take it so personal. This kid was obviously unstable. Guns are to hunt and to protect your homes and families. You think this kid would have had one person to say he should be able to walk into a Walmart and buy a weapon? You can’t buy a beer but you can buy a rifle. You tell me who a credible person is. A credible person is someone who is credible. Not Cocane Jim. Wtf I’m not a ****ing liberal but there has to be a way to keep guns out of the hands of some introvert looking to take out innocents. My guns are to protect my family from harm. At the very least someone over the age of 18 has a background to check. It’s all just ******** talk anyway. The government doesn’t listen to people like me or Biden would never be in office. We wouldn’t be sending billions of dollars to foreign countries and we Shute wouldn’t be paying 6 ****ing dollars a gallon for gas
I'm glad that you're a supporter of the Second Amendment, but that doesn't preclude criticism of your ideas for gun control.

And guns serve many purposes outside of hunting and protecting your home.

When points like yours are raised, I often think about Blackstone's Ratio. You have to think about how effective and how restrictive your proposals are, or you get Jerry B with nothing but emotion and irrationality to offer.
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There are plenty of people who volunteer in every school district across the entire country to help kids cross a street. I bet if you asked retired law enforcement and/ or military to volunteer to stand guard at their schools you would easily get 10 people at each school who would be more than willing and capable of protecting the schools. Just my 2 cents.
I agree. Here in westchester county ny I pay almost 9k a year just for school tax. Every year for the past three years my taxes have gone up. Put metal detectors and armed either retired police or retired servicemen in the schools. Thousand percent I don’t have an issue with guns. But… there has to be a way to stop these horrible acts from happening. Obviously these kids were unarmed and unable to fight back. That’s all I’m saying. No need to get panties in a bunch. I his is the real problem today in America. Everybody has thin skin. Can’t say this. Can’t say that. That’s the only reason Biden is in office. Nobody voted for him and his ***** vice. They voted against trump because he insulted them 😭😭. This country better take a good hard look at the situation those morons have put us in. Thick skin is what America is as built on. Stereo typing is a natural thing. When someone is different than you you stereo type them. Do you not think that I am not stereo typed every day. I work as a 731 laborer in NYC. I am around the scum of the earth on a daily basis. I’m working normally in predominantly black and Hispanic neighborhoods and trust me they are stereo typing me just as much as I am stereo typing them. White privelage my ***. I’m working like a slave so millions of Americans can sit home on their asses and collect welfare checks. While still having the right to vote and make these morons win elections. You can be on welfare and still buy guns alchohol and tobacco. You think these people are using these checks to pay for food and clothing for their kids. We need to wake up. People need to stop watching tv and listening to all these leftists bull crap. Get out there and form your own opinion. I’m living my own opinions. Right here in the scumiest of all cities. And I do my due diligence every chance I get to tell any liberal that I run across that they are ruining our country. Period.
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No big deal.....these mass shootings are really pretty common now......lets just offer up some really good thoughts and prayers and do nothing again.....thank god we have thoughts and prayers.

We're all waiting to hear what you have to offer besides some tired worn out talking points like "Common sense gun laws," "Ban assault weapons," (a made up category of non-existent firearms), and any of a dozen or so other useless platitudes.

We have a breakdown of society due to the destruction of the family, religion (to some degree - I'm not a bible thumper), a lack of mental health identification and treatment, and an alarming disdain for anyone with a different viewpoint. The progressive liberal DA's that refuse to prosecute crimes, weak no bail offender release, and a vilification of law enforcement contributes to the boldness these evil perpetrators exhibit. As does the media sensationalism of these crimes causing repeat copycats.

Just to level set, you are well aware that more murders are committed with fists and hammers than with guns, you just appear to choose to focus on the tool, not the mechanic.

Lastly, school shootings can be drastically cut/nearly curtailed by securing the schools with trained volunteers, first responders, and even willing teachers.
Put metal detectors and armed either retired police or retired servicemen in the schools.
Now there's a better solution than some unidentified "credible" person deciding who gets to keep their rights.
Thousand percent I don’t have an issue with guns. But… there has to be a way to stop these horrible acts from happening. Obviously these kids were unarmed and unable to fight back. That’s all I’m saying.
Well, that's just it. These people attack schools, clubs, concerts, cities with lower rates of armed individuals, etc because they know they're less likely to meet resistance. They're cowards.

We need to stop giving them easy targets. Period. Let them try that **** against people who can fight back.
No need to get panties in a bunch.
So far, you and Jerry B are the only ones doing this.
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