Okay… I should have know better. I’ll keep this brief and factual.Stellantis called me today and said they have found a solution. They are communicating it to my local dear and providing me with a rental car. Besides the actual problem they have been really good communicators, checking in by phone and by email regularly. I’ll let you all know when I get an appointment and the fix
2nd tier support called last week after a couple of months of back and forth and set up a dealer appt for me to fix radio crashes, no weather function, and no traffics updates.
Dropped truck at dealer service on Monday May 16. Dealer called Tuesday May 17 and said file update was so big they were having a hard time downloading. I got a free rental. Jeep Compass with Cali plates. I live in LV. I got the bird

Dealer service Wednesday May 18 said truck was not done because “factory password protected the file download site and wasn’t responding with the information they needed”.
I called factory rep handling my STAR case. I asked him what was the status and the dealer claimed they were waiting on the factory to help. He asked me… true story…wait for it …. “Why did you bring your truck to the dealer?”. I said, “because you called me and made the appt for me for a fix”. Wtf is up with you”. He said “let me get my supervisor”. Then hung up on me. I’ll save the rest for the book…..
Thursday May 19 morning I called and told them I was coming to get my truck. They said they were working on it and not to come in until they call. Got the call 1PM’ish from dealer service saying come get your truck. Not fixed. No changes. They say they were told by factory the “USB inputs were causing a problem with the 12” radio” or to paraphrase “when you plug anything into a USB port (dashcam for me) it disables weather and traffic AND causes radio screen crashes (blacked out).
So yeah. I lost nearly a week of use of my truck with no resolution. Good luck everyone.
Time for a tequila…