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Start of 2022 Production.


Active Member
Dec 14, 2021
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Not sure exactly what you mean, starting a new thread every day?
I kind of like the way it is done here. The format I saw on the TRX forum, while it lets everyone know whats going on still, you'd have to go thread to thread just to see. I enjoy this one stop shop type. And with your excel tracker, even if your post gets buried in this thread you can still go to the excel tracker to findthe WS and BS you provide.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2021
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Every time I contact RAM CHAT I feel like I get the same people all the time, seem like I am building a connection with them, they are experiencing my anxiety as well, LOL


Active Member
Feb 27, 2019
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I looked at the Cassen site and the closest "hub" to me is NY/NJ. My truck is going to NH, does it go to NY/NJ first then another carrier? I have had a WS for 1 order for a few weeks now and no update from Ram Chat at all,.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2021
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I looked at the Cassen site and the closest "hub" to me is NY/NJ. My truck is going to NH, does it go to NY/NJ first then another carrier? I have had a WS for 1 order for a few weeks now and no update from Ram Chat at all,.
I’m in the same boat. I got a WS 12/30. On the same day it was moved to the New Boston Railyard and it has been sitting there for a week.
Same info from Ramchat daily. Same info from dealer.

I call the CSX line to see if any movement and I get no status for the vehicle.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2021
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Every time I contact RAM CHAT I feel like I get the same people all the time, seem like I am building a connection with them, they are experiencing my anxiety as well, LOL
Yes the morning shift and the afternoon shift.Same people and they do what they can for you.


Fuel Economy Champion
Site Supporter
Oct 17, 2021
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I looked at the Cassen site and the closest "hub" to me is NY/NJ. My truck is going to NH, does it go to NY/NJ first then another carrier? I have had a WS for 1 order for a few weeks now and no update from Ram Chat at all,.
I don't have the answer to your question, but I'm jealous of the NH part. Been trying to convince my wife to move up there. Best I've done so far is taking the camper up for a few months in the fall.


Active Member
Dec 5, 2021
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Every time I contact RAM CHAT I feel like I get the same people all the time, seem like I am building a connection with them, they are experiencing my anxiety as well, LOL
I'm hearing a lot about RAM Chat and it's goods and bads. Even though I have a good relationship with my dealership, I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of RAM Chat so I don't have to bother my salesman all the time.


Active Member
Jun 10, 2021
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Your dealership will provide better details with exact status codes etc...Ram Chat gives general updates through the stages
The post above mine was looking to use RAM Chat so he didn't have to bother his dealer all the time. No worries though


Jan 2, 2022
Reaction score
Your dealership will provide better details with exact status codes etc...Ram Chat gives general updates through the stages
Is Ram Chat a third party? Wondering why they don’t have the same information as the dealer. Thoughts?


Ram Guru
Aug 7, 2021
Reaction score
over here you daily posts get are not in order
over there they are in order
not exactly sure what you do not understand when it is you posting over there

Well, when you ask such a generic question, it was very easy to not understand your intent. Thus, the reason I asked for clarification.
You asked me the same thing previously and so it didn't make sense that you would ask it again, which is why I assumed you were asking something different this time around.

It is the opposite of what you state though. They are in perfect order here and have to be because the posts are time stamped in a single thread with no way for them to be out of order. At RAMTRX, they start in order but never stay that way, they are sorted by the most recent response of any member. Look at the dates in the titles of my posts (image below) those are not in order, and I have no way of keeping them in order. If any member responds to a post on a daily update from any day, it gets moved to the very top of the list.

My response to you last time was that RAMTRX created a dedicated forum for me to make my daily updates so there is nothing but daily status updates in that forum. There is no such place at 5THGEN and members cant create new forums, only threads in the available forums. I did send a request to the Admin but never got a response, so I place them in this one thread, so everyone knows where to look. Otherwise, they are just littered among all the other GENERAL DISCUSSION threads like "Dealers selling below invoice", "Largest Tire on 2019 Ram 1500 with Off Road Package?" etc Since there are nearly 90,000 members of 5THGEN and I assume a very small percentage of those are interested in this thread, I don't want to clutter up "GENERAL DISCUSSION" with what amounts to many hundreds of new threads.



Active Member
Feb 27, 2019
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I don't have the answer to your question, but I'm jealous of the NH part. Been trying to convince my wife to move up there. Best I've done so far is taking the camper up for a few months in the fall.
I actually live in MA but right on the NH boarder so the dealer was closer. NH is a great place my wife and I are looking to move north in retirement....


Ram Guru
Aug 7, 2021
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@bigdodge AND ALL OTHERS

What would be everyone's preferred way to see the posts? I don't mind changing and doing whatever the group things is best.

I had actually thought about this a few times recently because I don't particularly like everyone having to dig through a thread that is approaching 400 pages long, but I don't see a better alternative either. A few suggestions to other options I had come up with, based on a change I was going to make at all forums.

On every daily update post I can place "BACK" and "FORWARD" links so that if you find Monday's post it would contain a link to Sundays and to Tuesdays. Does that improve things at all? It would actually require a lot of me updating previous posts in order to keep the links correct but if that makes things better for others that's fine with me.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2021
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@bigdodge AND ALL OTHERS

What would be everyone's preferred way to see the posts? I don't mind changing and doing whatever the group things is best.

I had actually thought about this a few times recently because I don't particularly like everyone having to dig through a thread that is approaching 400 pages long, but I don't see a better alternative either. A few suggestions to other options I had come up with, based on a change I was going to make at all forums.

On every daily update post I can place "BACK" and "FORWARD" links so that if you find Monday's post it would contain a link to Sundays and to Tuesdays. Does that improve things at all? It would actually require a lot of me updating previous posts in order to keep the links correct but if that makes things better for others that's fine with me.
I think the way it's done is fine. You guys are tagging people when their BS and WS pop, so they will get the alert. If someone wants to see a members BS or WS they can go to the tracker, which also shows dates.


Active Member
Dec 10, 2021
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@bigdodge AND ALL OTHERS

What would be everyone's preferred way to see the posts? I don't mind changing and doing whatever the group things is best.

I had actually thought about this a few times recently because I don't particularly like everyone having to dig through a thread that is approaching 400 pages long, but I don't see a better alternative either. A few suggestions to other options I had come up with, based on a change I was going to make at all forums.

On every daily update post I can place "BACK" and "FORWARD" links so that if you find Monday's post it would contain a link to Sundays and to Tuesdays. Does that improve things at all? It would actually require a lot of me updating previous posts in order to keep the links correct but if that makes things better for others that's fine with me.
I think the way you’re doing it is fine. I personally don’t mind reading or scrolling through the other posts to find your updates. Sometimes it’s actually a good read. I feel like you’re doing enough for us already to help, and we shouldn’t create extra work for you.

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