Fuel Economy Champion
@bigdodge AND ALL OTHERS
What would be everyone's preferred way to see the posts? I don't mind changing and doing whatever the group things is best.
I had actually thought about this a few times recently because I don't particularly like everyone having to dig through a thread that is approaching 400 pages long, but I don't see a better alternative either. A few suggestions to other options I had come up with, based on a change I was going to make at all forums.
On every daily update post I can place "BACK" and "FORWARD" links so that if you find Monday's post it would contain a link to Sundays and to Tuesdays. Does that improve things at all? It would actually require a lot of me updating previous posts in order to keep the links correct but if that makes things better for others that's fine with me.
What about another thread that's only for updates? Would be helpful if you were a mod and could delete any discussion posts there, and leave all discussion to this thread.
Definitely don't think you should create any more work for yourself.