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Start of 2022 Production.

Congrats folks! Hoping I am queued up for build very soon!
so one can assume that the ESD on the POC is the start of the build process?
You people that ordered in September bitching about not having a truck yet really truly make me laugh :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
It seems utterly insane that someone that ordered in July hasn’t had their truck built before someone that ordered at the end of October (me). I couldn’t imagine your frustration. I wonder if ordering before they made the package changes have contributed to the delay. A question not just to HAG1417 but to anyone that might have looked into it: Any chance the order has been held up due to some sort of confirmation process due to the equipment group changes prior to 2022’s going into production?
It seems utterly insane that someone that ordered in July hasn’t had their truck built before someone that ordered at the end of October (me). I couldn’t imagine your frustration. I wonder if ordering before they made the package changes have contributed to the delay. A question not just to HAG1417 but to anyone that might have looked into it: Any chance the order has been held up due to some sort of confirmation process due to the equipment group changes prior to 2022’s going into production?
no one has been able to figure out what ram is doing!
I would forget Ram Chat. Your dealer "should" be the best info.
This 👆. For example I just went on Ram Chat and got the “all parts are now gathered” message (again) since I haven’t heard back from the dealer about an updated POC since my request Friday. I will see if my POC reflects the same. Not hopeful…
It seems utterly insane that someone that ordered in July hasn’t had their truck built before someone that ordered at the end of October (me). I couldn’t imagine your frustration. I wonder if ordering before they made the package changes have contributed to the delay. A question not just to HAG1417 but to anyone that might have looked into it: Any chance the order has been held up due to some sort of confirmation process due to the equipment group changes prior to 2022’s going into production?
Agree with the above post that no one know what they are doing and the factory has been less than transparent. But this seems to be the most likely reason. Those of us watching closely have seen all our options be placed on newer ordered trucks. I have come up with no other reason than those who ordered early have been slowed down by the changes in packages.
You got yours a whole lot quicker than me. I ordered back in September I'm realistically not expecting it til mid January. What part of SC you from?

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I’m in Greenville, SC. I’m halfway between Atlanta, Ga and Charlotte, NC.
Try calling that phone number again?
Yeah… they completely BS’d me on the phone. “Brand loyalist will contact you directly” etc…. Never happened. If I ran my company like this I’d be long out of business. Simple, honest communication would be the answer but they can’t seem to get out of their own way. The message to Stellantis would be…

“Dear Stellantis,

You have a great product. Please stop stepping on your own D i c k. Merry Xmas.

Your customers”

2250 Build Sheets found today. 25 more forum members with trucks starting production! Congratulations to @Randboye, @kingkai, @nloftman92, @Bathtub, @Roster16, @Brisoup1, @Whiskeymike, @n00ber, @ReedScott01, @Scott_R, @Shannonwin, @yup ram, @daddyfatsaxxx, @Cmousel, @Xchief, @puddingstomp, @myownstatus, @mattf35, @Pjsant26, @Cda3488, @yup ram, @TimH, @Anarki, @flyforfood, @SergsRam

103339 @RandboyeXTexasBlackLimited
112771 @kingkaiXLouisianaBlackRebel
119106 @nloftman92XNew YorkBlackBig Horn / Lonestar
120707 @BathtubXMinnesotaBlackLimited
122681 @Roster16XNew YorkRedRebel
150480 @Brisoup1XPennsylvaniaSilverRebel
151082 @WhiskeymikeXLouisianaGraniteRebel
177526 @n00berXSouth CarolinaBlackBig Horn / Lonestar
192685 @ReedScott01XAlabamaWalnutLonghorn
193419 @Scott_RXPennsylvaniaDelmonicoBig Horn / Lonestar
195848 @ShannonwinXMinnesotaWalnutLonghorn
197001 @yup ramXMichiganWhiteLaramie
200825 @daddyfatsaxxxXMichiganWhiteRebel
200861 @CmouselXFloridaSilverRebel
209573 @XchiefXNew YorkBlueLaramie
209909 @puddingstompXKentuckyGraniteLaramie
215183 @myownstatusXFloridaWhiteLaramie
215286 @mattf35XMassachusettsBlackLimited
227138 @Pjsant26XPennsylvaniaGraniteLaramie
229735 @Cda3488XLouisianaGraniteLaramie
230010 @yup ramXMichiganWhiteLaramie
230356 @TimHXFloridaBlackLaramie
230616 @AnarkiXTexasIvoryLaramie
245901 @flyforfoodXPennsylvaniaBlackLaramie
246130 @SergsRamXLouisianaGraniteLaramie
Oh yeah, this is great news! Thanks for the update @triple_B
Dealer called. Truck is here! They are doing the PDI now. I should be picking it up later this afternoon. @Eighty @triple_B Thanks again for the updates and info throughout the process.
Congratulations! I ordered a Laramie on 11/30/21 with kinda simular options. With any luck I'm only 30 days behind you. Enjoy your new ride!

2250 Build Sheets found today. 25 more forum members with trucks starting production! Congratulations to @Randboye, @kingkai, @nloftman92, @Bathtub, @Roster16, @Brisoup1, @Whiskeymike, @n00ber, @ReedScott01, @Scott_R, @Shannonwin, @yup ram, @daddyfatsaxxx, @Cmousel, @Xchief, @puddingstomp, @myownstatus, @mattf35, @Pjsant26, @Cda3488, @yup ram, @TimH, @Anarki, @flyforfood, @SergsRam

103339 @RandboyeXTexasBlackLimited
112771 @kingkaiXLouisianaBlackRebel
119106 @nloftman92XNew YorkBlackBig Horn / Lonestar
120707 @BathtubXMinnesotaBlackLimited
122681 @Roster16XNew YorkRedRebel
150480 @Brisoup1XPennsylvaniaSilverRebel
151082 @WhiskeymikeXLouisianaGraniteRebel
177526 @n00berXSouth CarolinaBlackBig Horn / Lonestar
192685 @ReedScott01XAlabamaWalnutLonghorn
193419 @Scott_RXPennsylvaniaDelmonicoBig Horn / Lonestar
195848 @ShannonwinXMinnesotaWalnutLonghorn
197001 @yup ramXMichiganWhiteLaramie
200825 @daddyfatsaxxxXMichiganWhiteRebel
200861 @CmouselXFloridaSilverRebel
209573 @XchiefXNew YorkBlueLaramie
209909 @puddingstompXKentuckyGraniteLaramie
215183 @myownstatusXFloridaWhiteLaramie
215286 @mattf35XMassachusettsBlackLimited
227138 @Pjsant26XPennsylvaniaGraniteLaramie
229735 @Cda3488XLouisianaGraniteLaramie
230010 @yup ramXMichiganWhiteLaramie
230356 @TimHXFloridaBlackLaramie
230616 @AnarkiXTexasIvoryLaramie
245901 @flyforfoodXPennsylvaniaBlackLaramie
246130 @SergsRamXLouisianaGraniteLaramie

I'm taking a collection for @monkeypunch I'd like to send him a years worth of beer.
Well after 5 long *** months I am finally in Paint!!! But never got anywhere on my attempt of getting switched back to Rebel 2 package.

2250 Build Sheets found today. 25 more forum members with trucks starting production! Congratulations to @Randboye, @kingkai, @nloftman92, @Bathtub, @Roster16, @Brisoup1, @Whiskeymike, @n00ber, @ReedScott01, @Scott_R, @Shannonwin, @yup ram, @daddyfatsaxxx, @Cmousel, @Xchief, @puddingstomp, @myownstatus, @mattf35, @Pjsant26, @Cda3488, @yup ram, @TimH, @Anarki, @flyforfood, @SergsRam

103339 @RandboyeXTexasBlackLimited
112771 @kingkaiXLouisianaBlackRebel
119106 @nloftman92XNew YorkBlackBig Horn / Lonestar
120707 @BathtubXMinnesotaBlackLimited
122681 @Roster16XNew YorkRedRebel
150480 @Brisoup1XPennsylvaniaSilverRebel
151082 @WhiskeymikeXLouisianaGraniteRebel
177526 @n00berXSouth CarolinaBlackBig Horn / Lonestar
192685 @ReedScott01XAlabamaWalnutLonghorn
193419 @Scott_RXPennsylvaniaDelmonicoBig Horn / Lonestar
195848 @ShannonwinXMinnesotaWalnutLonghorn
197001 @yup ramXMichiganWhiteLaramie
200825 @daddyfatsaxxxXMichiganWhiteRebel
200861 @CmouselXFloridaSilverRebel
209573 @XchiefXNew YorkBlueLaramie
209909 @puddingstompXKentuckyGraniteLaramie
215183 @myownstatusXFloridaWhiteLaramie
215286 @mattf35XMassachusettsBlackLimited
227138 @Pjsant26XPennsylvaniaGraniteLaramie
229735 @Cda3488XLouisianaGraniteLaramie
230010 @yup ramXMichiganWhiteLaramie
230356 @TimHXFloridaBlackLaramie
230616 @AnarkiXTexasIvoryLaramie
245901 @flyforfoodXPennsylvaniaBlackLaramie
246130 @SergsRamXLouisianaGraniteLaramie
You appear to have left mine off the list. Please use magical unicorn fairy dust and make it so 😛

2250 Build Sheets found today. 25 more forum members with trucks starting production! Congratulations to @Randboye, @kingkai, @nloftman92, @Bathtub, @Roster16, @Brisoup1, @Whiskeymike, @n00ber, @ReedScott01, @Scott_R, @Shannonwin, @yup ram, @daddyfatsaxxx, @Cmousel, @Xchief, @puddingstomp, @myownstatus, @mattf35, @Pjsant26, @Cda3488, @yup ram, @TimH, @Anarki, @flyforfood, @SergsRam

103339 @RandboyeXTexasBlackLimited
112771 @kingkaiXLouisianaBlackRebel
119106 @nloftman92XNew YorkBlackBig Horn / Lonestar
120707 @BathtubXMinnesotaBlackLimited
122681 @Roster16XNew YorkRedRebel
150480 @Brisoup1XPennsylvaniaSilverRebel
151082 @WhiskeymikeXLouisianaGraniteRebel
177526 @n00berXSouth CarolinaBlackBig Horn / Lonestar
192685 @ReedScott01XAlabamaWalnutLonghorn
193419 @Scott_RXPennsylvaniaDelmonicoBig Horn / Lonestar
195848 @ShannonwinXMinnesotaWalnutLonghorn
197001 @yup ramXMichiganWhiteLaramie
200825 @daddyfatsaxxxXMichiganWhiteRebel
200861 @CmouselXFloridaSilverRebel
209573 @XchiefXNew YorkBlueLaramie
209909 @puddingstompXKentuckyGraniteLaramie
215183 @myownstatusXFloridaWhiteLaramie
215286 @mattf35XMassachusettsBlackLimited
227138 @Pjsant26XPennsylvaniaGraniteLaramie
229735 @Cda3488XLouisianaGraniteLaramie
230010 @yup ramXMichiganWhiteLaramie
230356 @TimHXFloridaBlackLaramie
230616 @AnarkiXTexasIvoryLaramie
245901 @flyforfoodXPennsylvaniaBlackLaramie
246130 @SergsRamXLouisianaGraniteLaramie

I'm going to take a long soul searching walk around town while listening to "Dust in the Wind".......... This is brutal now.....
Who emails you like that, Ram or your dealership???
Dealer - she sends me a weekly update on Monday and she checks daily multiple times a day. If something changes she will let me know.

I've learned or read here - and this is an education - Ram Chat or whomever those folks are that people call (I've never contacted them) receive even less information.

Your dealer can bring up a screen that has better ground truth.

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