Spends too much time on here
Exactly. Can't get restitution when they are broke or in debt/criminals. You'll not do any good chasing them for $, it's the world we live in.People who are stealing car rims for a living probably dont have wages to garnish. They probably dont own a home to put a lien against either. I know its frustrating but its the world we live in. My mom's vehicle got plowed into in a parking lot from some dude cutting through the lot to get to another road (luckily she was inside the store). Dude didnt have insurance. Guess who's insurance paid for it and then increased the rates?
China probably doesn't have too much of a problem with that but then we are too "nice" to deal with crime like they do. (Bang, you no longer have the "need" to steal.)
I have to admit that I was surprised by the information in the charts below. States that I thought would have a higher % of uninsured (like Ca, Az and Tx) aren't up there while NJ is the lowest (?). Always good to learn something!
Charts from the Insurance Institute: https://www.iii.org/fact-statistic/facts-statistics-uninsured-motorists
Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage reimburses policyholders in an accident involving an uninsured, underinsured or hit-and-run driver. Twenty states and the District of Columbia have mandatory requirements for uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage. More than half of the states have passed laws and begun to develop and implement online auto insurance verification systems to identify uninsured motorists.In 2019, 12.6 percent of motorists, or about one in eight drivers, were uninsured, according to a 2021 study by the Insurance Research Council (IRC). The percentage was at a nine-year high of 13.1 percent in 2017 but fell to 12.6 percent in 2018 and 2019. Mississippi had the highest percentage of uninsured motorists in 2019, 29.4 percent, followed by Michigan (25.5 percent), Tennessee (23.7 percent), New Mexico (21.8 percent) and Washington (21.7 percent). New Jersey had the lowest, 3.1 percent, followed by Massachusetts (3.5 percent), New York (4.1 percent), Maine (4.9 percent) and Wyoming (5.8 percent). The IRC measures the number of uninsured motorists based on insurance claims, using a ratio of insurance claims made by people who were injured by uninsured drivers relative to the claims made by people who were injured by insured drivers. Twenty-one states and the District of Columbia had uninsured motorist rates in 2019 greater than the countrywide rate (12.6 percent) while 29 states had rates below the countrywide rate.
Estimated Percentage Of Uninsured Motorists, 1992-2019 (1)
Source: Insurance Research Council.
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Top 10 Highest And Lowest States By Estimated Percentage Of Uninsured Motorists, 2019 (1)
Source: Insurance Research Council.
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Estimated Percentage Of Uninsured Motorists By State, 2019 (1)
(2) Rank calculated from unrounded data.
(3) In Florida, compulsory auto laws apply to personal injury protection (PIP) and physical damage, but not to third party bodily injury coverage.
Source: Insurance Research Council.