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Regarding the recent upswing of negativity on the forum

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Jared B

Site admin
Staff member
Jan 20, 2018
Reaction score
Lately there has been a lot of negativity creeping its way into the forum. While we appreciate any and all relevant discussions as well as posting about genuine issues and concerns things seem to have gotten a bit past that. Many members are getting sick of the constant negativity on the forums and I agree with them. If there is a member who's posts you don't wish to see, I wrote about how to use the ignore function here: https://5thgenrams.com/community/threads/how-to-ignore-a-user.466/

As for members that constantly come on to complain about the same topics day after day, I'd suggest re-thinking your approach. There are legitimate concerns and questions but it can also get to a point of just complaining. I would hope everyone thinks before they post but if there is just a constant trend of complaining, posts will start getting deleted and warnings will start being given out. 3 warnings results in a suspension as mentioned in the forum rules thread.

Keep in mind that this is an enthusiast site and people want to be able to come on and post without dealing with constant negativity. If it is deemed necessary I will create a bitchfest forum section that is only visible to registered users and where posts don't show up on the new posts tab so only people that want to see them do, but I'd rather not go in that direction.

Thank you from the Admins and Moderators.
Lately there has been a lot of negativity creeping its way into the forum. While we appreciate any and all relevant discussions as well as posting about genuine issues and concerns things seem to have gotten a bit past that. Many members are getting sick of the constant negativity on the forums and I agree with them. If there is a member who's posts you don't wish to see, I wrote about how to use the ignore function here: https://5thgenrams.com/community/threads/how-to-ignore-a-user.466/

As for members that constantly come on to complain about the same topics day after day, I'd suggest re-thinking your approach. There are legitimate concerns and questions but it can also get to a point of just complaining. I would hope everyone thinks before they post but if there is just a constant trend of complaining, posts will start getting deleted and warnings will start being given out. 3 warnings results in a suspension as mentioned in the forum rules thread.

Keep in mind that this is an enthusiast site and people want to be able to come on and post without dealing with constant negativity. If it is deemed necessary I will create a bitchfest forum section that is only visible to registered users and where posts don't show up on the new posts tab so only people that want to see them do, but I'd rather not go in that direction.

Thank you from the Admins and Moderators.

i do agree 100% . but i find the negativity is very minimal.? imho. unless i have missed something outrageous - i think it is a GREAT site to vent some frustration and get some support-which in turn you get some positive feedback(y). the perfect example is @alacombe:cool:. he was informative and yet negative at the beginning and has dialled it back. (1/2 notch) since getting his truck. if i missed something i apologize - but sometimes a little venting doesn't hurt. a LITTLE forum support doesn't hurt.
i do agree 100% . but i find the negativity is very minimal.? imho. unless i have missed something outrageous - i think it is a GREAT site to vent some frustration and get some support-which in turn you get some positive feedback(y). the perfect example is @alacombe:cool:. he was informative and yet negative at the beginning and has dialled it back. (1/2 notch) since getting his truck. if i missed something i apologize - but sometimes a little venting doesn't hurt. a LITTLE forum support doesn't hurt.

I think right now it's not too bad, and I get a lot of the frustrations. One thing I am noticing is complaining about the same thing every day which I would like to try and get away from, I also understand saying your piece and having the support of others with the same interests or concerns. I just don't feel like it has to happen day in, day out about the same topic when everyone knows nothing has changed regarding that topic.
i do agree 100% . but i find the negativity is very minimal.? imho. unless i have missed something outrageous - i think it is a GREAT site to vent some frustration and get some support-which in turn you get some positive feedback(y). the perfect example is @alacombe:cool:. he was informative and yet negative at the beginning and has dialled it back. (1/2 notch) since getting his truck. if i missed something i apologize - but sometimes a little venting doesn't hurt. a LITTLE forum support doesn't hurt.
This is funny I had to 'like" it.
Thank you JaredB for addressing this topic. As the forum grows (which is good) the negativity is inevitable. I myself have been less involved on this forum lately do to some of the negativity. I would normally check in a couple times a day to see what’s goin on or if I could maybe help someone out but haven’t much lately and I apologize. Tired of clicking on “what’s new” and it seems to be more complaining as of late than informative. I know I have posted a couple complaints myself in the past related to some topics but I try to stay clear of doing that. I wish to help if I can as this forum has helped me tremendously. If not for this forum I would not have the truck I do now. I changed my original truck order because of info I found here and received exactly what I needed/wanted because of you guys and couldn’t be happier. I deal with enough complaining during the day and this forum is where I go to relax, have some good dialogue, learn something, maybe help someone, and have some fun. I know it is ok to complain occasionally especially about something that is not right with a truck just so others are aware, but let’s not go overboard! Thanks again all! :cool::)(y)
Moderating discussions is always about balancing passion (positive and negative) with productive dialogue. Blind negativity indeed gets old and you were right to correct the group @Jared B , but some issues are worth getting mad about too. When even Ram fans are talking about giving up the manufacturer should know they have a problem and maybe, just maybe they’ll do something about it.

I think your team’s careful moderation, plus the community conversations and collective questioning through dealerships has actually gotten through to FCA, as evidenced by generally matching info on shipping dates and admissions of the Rambox problem. Even my generally ill informed but well intentioned and fair dealership has now gotten the word. I don’t think it would have happened with a “quiet” crowd so I call that a win, for the 5thGenRams site as well as we fans and customers. Keep up the good work.
I appreciate the replies guys. As many have said blind negativity gets old, but at the same time blind loyalty doesn't do anyone any good either. That said more of a negative shift has been noticed as of late and I really just wanted to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand. This isn't directed at one person/group of people.

I genuinely believe that this forum has been beneficial to many people during the ordering process and want it to remain that way. I've also noticed that the ladies @RamCares seem to be taking a lot of heat publicly in the forums. From what I can gather they are a small team and have a lot of forums to monitor, keep in mind there is only so much that they can do, but I can say I for one appreciate having them here to pass information back on to Ram and to help out our members when they can.

Myself and the moderators just want to keep the forums an enjoyable place for everyone.
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I would agree and support the move to nip negativity for the sake of negativity in the bud. Dont misunderstand me here, I very much want everyone to report any issues or frustrations they are having with their truck or FCA, but once you do, lets try not to continue to gripe about the same thing for pages upon pages of worthless posts. Really ruins the threads, and makes it difficult to easily find the "solution" or the "how to fix it" posts.

Recently I haven't noticed as much negativity. I think it helps when folks are seeing a "light at the end of the tunnel".

Also, this forum seems to have a lot of "converts" from other brands as well as first time truck owners, which is absolutely fantastic. I hope they feel welcome and willing to share their experiences, good or bad, in a productive manner.

Side note: Jared - any thoughts on adding a "DIY" section to the forum? I know previous gen trucks had a lot of little things owners figured out how to mod or do themselves on the cheap. May be nice to have a section dedicated to that only so they are easy to find.
Side note: Jared - any thoughts on adding a "DIY" section to the forum? I know previous gen trucks had a lot of little things owners figured out how to mod or do themselves on the cheap. May be nice to have a section dedicated to that only so they are easy to find.

I kind of thought that kind of stuff could go into the modifications forum, but a dedicated DIY forum isn't a bad idea. I could set that up later today.
Lately there has been a lot of negativity creeping its way into the forum. While we appreciate any and all relevant discussions as well as posting about genuine issues and concerns things seem to have gotten a bit past that. Many members are getting sick of the constant negativity on the forums and I agree with them. If there is a member who's posts you don't wish to see, I wrote about how to use the ignore function here: https://5thgenrams.com/community/threads/how-to-ignore-a-user.466/

As for members that constantly come on to complain about the same topics day after day, I'd suggest re-thinking your approach. There are legitimate concerns and questions but it can also get to a point of just complaining. I would hope everyone thinks before they post but if there is just a constant trend of complaining, posts will start getting deleted and warnings will start being given out. 3 warnings results in a suspension as mentioned in the forum rules thread.

Keep in mind that this is an enthusiast site and people want to be able to come on and post without dealing with constant negativity. If it is deemed necessary I will create a bitchfest forum section that is only visible to registered users and where posts don't show up on the new posts tab so only people that want to see them do, but I'd rather not go in that direction.

Thank you from the Admins and Moderators.

I just posted a Conspiracy Theory about Nitrogen Filled Tires. Please do not look at it as Bitching.
Maybe a teeny tiny bit of sarcasm just to make a point.
Another section might not be a bad thought.

I second this idea.

My perception is that people don't realize when a manufacturer comes out with a completely revamped vehicle, usually the first run is going to have a good amount of issues. I get it, plunking down $40 to $60k for a new vehicle and having issues is frustrating but that's why there is factory warranty. As alot of ya know I had massive probs with my 17 2500 but it was all warranty covered and I got to beat up on the stealerships rental cars. I've been fortunate, not one prob so far for my truck, I'm not 100% thrilled about the a/c out put but I'm not posting it up repeatedly when it's 110 degrees out here in the desert. I have confidence in FCA that after they have enough people log service tickets, the big primary issues (clunking in the front end/windshield leaks/weak ac) we will eventually get recall notices to get 'em resolved.

My .02 on the situation.
I second this idea.

My perception is that people don't realize when a manufacturer comes out with a completely revamped vehicle, usually the first run is going to have a good amount of issues. I get it, plunking down $40 to $60k for a new vehicle and having issues is frustrating but that's why there is factory warranty. As alot of ya know I had massive probs with my 17 2500 but it was all warranty covered and I got to beat up on the stealerships rental cars. I've been fortunate, not one prob so far for my truck, I'm not 100% thrilled about the a/c out put but I'm not posting it up repeatedly when it's 110 degrees out here in the desert. I have confidence in FCA that after they have enough people log service tickets, the big primary issues (clunking in the front end/windshield leaks/weak ac) we will eventually get recall notices to get 'em resolved.

My .02 on the situation.
Yup I agree, unfortunately most people don't understand manufacturing, and that building a handful of trucks in perfect tolerance and testing them for years finds a lot of bugs, but when you go into full scale production and tolarances start to drift to their limits and you get tolarance stack that issues will arise that never showed up on any of the test mules. Innovation and progress does not come without growing pains. If they want something without issue get something rolling on 10 year old tech like a tundra. Or wait until the 3rd year of a vehicle platform. You would think it's common knowledge that a first model year is going to have some issues that even the mfg isn't expecting.
I once worked on a project that had a spring that held down a heat sink. We went through full quality control, checked to see how much compression of the thermal interface material there was. Checked out the efficiency of heat transfer. It was all fine. We then got full production samples and we noticed something odd, the springs, not under compression had no spacing between the rungs.

Different shop of the same company made prototypes Vs production. So the moral of the story is that s**t happens, no matter how hard you try to prevent it
Innovation and progress does not come without growing pains. If they want something without issue get something rolling on 10 year old tech like a tundra. Or wait until the 3rd year of a vehicle platform. You would think it's common knowledge that a first model year is going to have some issues that even the mfg isn't expecting.

This is simply an excuse. I have owned 3 (maybe 4?) first-model-year vehicles that were entirely problem free.

While the new Ram is a great platform, nothing in it is revolutionary auto technology. I'm thankful that my truck has been mostly trouble-free but am not going to give Ram a pass for all the issues others are running into.
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This post seems to have morphed from one about negative comments to one about the pros and cons of new model problems.

Because I buy a lot of new vehicles (I need intervention) and rebuild old ones I frequent a lot of automotive forums as my interests dictate. My first very obvious impression when I joined this forum was how polite, considerate, and helpful everyone is compared to all other forums I go to, ........and I still feel that way............. Great place to be.
Just wanted to say I really like this forum and site. Being new guy on here but not to forums if I find some thing not right I post it and same if I find some great things that are right! Certain types of negatives some times teach us things we never knew ,but the same old song and dance and the borderline attacks from trolls who most likely do not own a Ram or had one that want to just inflict the site and members with negatives is a real drain on all of us.

Thanks to every one who had helped me out and hope I have helped others. Thanks for having this site and allowing myself to be a member. My .02 worth (:
I appreciate the replies guys. As many have said blind negativity gets old, but at the same time blind loyalty doesn't do anyone any good either. That said more of a negative shift has been noticed as of late and I really just wanted to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand. This isn't directed at one person/group of people.

I genuinely believe that this forum has been beneficial to many people during the ordering process and want it to remain that way. I've also noticed that the ladies @RamCares seem to be taking a lot of heat publicly in the forums. From what I can gather they are a small team and have a lot of forums to monitor, keep in mind there is only so much that they can do, but I can say I for one appreciate having them here to pass information back on to Ram and to help out our members when they can.

Myself and the moderators just want to keep the forums an enjoyable place for everyone.

I appreciate you keeping tabs on this and tackling it head-on, because I know you and the other moderators don't like to have to do these interventions - no reasonable person likes to have to wade into conflict. I also very much appreciate the informativeness, sharing and camaraderie of these 5thgenrams forums.

Perhaps I myself am a bit guilty of what could be perceived as negativity by my postings on the AC performance issue. But I don't want to create any feelings of negativity here, so I will stop posting anything about that from now on (unless it is truly noteworthy new info, and hopefully positive news of progress being made). I try to be accurate and informative, not negative, but sometimes any individual can become too close to the trees to see the forest. I just want that AC issue solved so I can order my new truck (well, that and 6'4" Ram Box availability).

Jared, if you or any of the moderators ever detect any negativity creeping into my posts, please feel free to PM me and I'll gladly accept the criticism in good spirit.
Really guys?? I face things head on and dont want to sugar coat life. If people came here to get info, learn about issues/problems which there are. What's the beef fellow owners? Facts a fact. At the same time how dare anyone tell anther owner well it's the 1st run, issues are expected!! I know that's usually the case but I would never tell someone that's the experience to expect. I will say one day the vast majority of posts will be POSITIVE, you must also understand people come here for advice, and information. I've bought many new vehicles- this RAM has more issues than anything I've ever paid for. I know that they will get ironed out- let's not be so ridiculous to regulate bad experiences. Guess what, I agree there are many issues on here.. that tells me they need to be addressed, not to tell people-live with it until they figure it out! Most top teir manufacturers dont rush things into production for a reason- damage to the brand. Same goes for positive experiences who love the truck- no need to hold back there either! Enough about the too much negativity.. If it's the Brand I bought into I know it will be made right (in time) at the same time I dont hop on here to read about how this new Gen was delivered without issues.. When that's the case I know it mid as well be called "FCA Investors" guidance about the next quarter earnings
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