First dealer said they wouldn't look at it because i did not purchase it from them, not even step outside and I was told it would be a "3 year wait".
This same dealership had no problem preforming HCP updates and the sort for me before.
The second dealership didn't know what to do and just took pictures and told me to call Ramcares or whoever back because they didn't know what to do with the pictures and they didn't have a body shop which Ramcares thought they did (I don't think they worked with very many customer service cases before). They did eventually get called by Ramcares and said it "looked like rock chips". This was before I was told it would be covered, but I was told to go to a third dealership that had a body shop just to get an estimate (for a goodwill repair).
The third dealership did not have a body shop and said they couldn't give me a quote\estimate for it.
As I have told you before, dealerships around here suck so I wasn't surprised (the 3 year part did surprise me, I even asked "can't you walk outside and look" and I was told "no" and given the ram customer service number on a sticky note).
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