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Question for 33 gal. owners

Is the fuel system "relatively" sealed? There are multiple connections at the tank, where one should be a reverse vent. It allows the tank to breathe air when gas is pumped to the engine. Without it, you'd be creating a vacuum in the tank and it would collapse. The gas vapors route through a charcoal cannister and into the intake to be burned and all excess fuel is returned to the tank via a return line, but a sealed system would cause the gas to boil. Boiled gas causes vapor lock. That's why we used to have vented gas caps.
The Hemi doesn't have a return style fuel system. Dodge/Ram hasn't used that for a very long time.
Is the fuel system "relatively" sealed? There are multiple connections at the tank, where one should be a reverse vent. It allows the tank to breathe air when gas is pumped to the engine. Without it, you'd be creating a vacuum in the tank and it would collapse. The gas vapors route through a charcoal cannister and into the intake to be burned and all excess fuel is returned to the tank via a return line, but a sealed system would cause the gas to boil. Boiled gas causes vapor lock. That's why we used to have vented gas caps.
Why would gasoline vapors pass through a charcoal canister if they're going to be burned off after passing through the intake manifold?
Edit: After looking at fuel tank pictures, I see there is a vapor line that does come from the charcoal canister and goes to the engine. I'm not sure why it needs to, unless just for emission regs.
Usually, the canister is to relieve high DP in the fuel tank - like when you're filling your tank.
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My 2010 Tundra had a 46 gallon tank, which was installed because I used to spend a lot of time driving to visit relatives in far away states.
While I was between road trips, I usually never filled more than half-way *UNLESS* the price of gas was going up. Then I topped it off.

My 2019 Ram has the 33-gallon tank, and I follow the same routine. No point dragging all that extra weight around needlessly.

Mirowpl mentioned ethanol-free gas. One tank of that stuff would get me from home (Seattle area) to Sacramento if I didn't get stupid with the gas pedal.
It's good stuff if you can get it.

i only drive my truck once a week if no camping trip or offroading trip is planned. So I fill up to full every time i do.
however, i don't fill up until i'm at around 1/4 tank.

obviously when on trips it's different... i fill up every chance i get.
Gas isn't going bad in a couple months like people think. Heck, I have had a jeep sit for over a year, charge the battery and fire it up. My Harley sits all winter and sometimes longer, never had a problem. Your Ram isn't a lawn mower. That fuel is ok in the tank.
I fill my 33 gal tank when it gets to about a quarter tank every week or two. If I was to let it sit or not drive it enough to warrant refilling for a couple months, I would fill it and add fuel stabilizer. Low cost for peace of mind.
I don't like being under a half tank. Way too many times in my life I've needed to run to the truck, fire it up, and keep it running for a long time. Whether it's wildfires or power outages that shut down electricity and fuel pumps, getting stuck in weather in the middle of nowhere, or getting a call from a friend that needs help hauling an elk off the mountain before morning, I don't like stopping when I don't have to. In the last 6 or 7 years there's been about a dozen times where fuel has been inaccessible because of wildfires shutting things down. If I had come home with a quarter tank, there would be a problem.
Gas isn't going bad in a couple months like people think. Heck, I have had a jeep sit for over a year, charge the battery and fire it up. My Harley sits all winter and sometimes longer, never had a problem. Your Ram isn't a lawn mower. That fuel is ok in the tank.
Ditto on the gas sitting in my hog. Had my hog sitting for nearly two years, swapped the battery, oil, and coolant, and voila! No stench. No smoke. Rides as beautiful as the day I got it. I'm sure our Hemis are just as good, if not better, about this...

Low fuel price = top off. Don't be scared
Is the fuel system "relatively" sealed? There are multiple connections at the tank, where one should be a reverse vent. It allows the tank to breathe air when gas is pumped to the engine. Without it, you'd be creating a vacuum in the tank and it would collapse. The gas vapors route through a charcoal cannister and into the intake to be burned and all excess fuel is returned to the tank via a return line, but a sealed system would cause the gas to boil. Boiled gas causes vapor lock. That's why we used to have vented gas caps.
For the most part, Yes. It's a very controlled venting system, lots of one way check valves and whatnot. Nowhere near as much air flows through as say a 5 gallon Jerry Can without the lid/spout on it. Now if you stored gasoline like that I imagine the shelf life would be weeks or maybe months, and even at that it would most likely run in a modern engine, but at greatly reduced efficiency as the engine would need a higher fuel to air ratio. And I'm sure none of us would put that old fuel through our 50K$ + trucks just for S's and G's.
I'd love to be able to fill my tank. My credit card stops at $100, and with these Bidenomics / California prices, I can let it go much past 1/2 tank :mad:
That's if they use the pre-authorized payment method, which many do. They may have raised that limit. Also, you probably can just scan the card again and put another $100 in. Good news/bad news...
That's if they use the pre-authorized payment method, which many do. They may have raised that limit. Also, you probably can just scan the card again and put another $100 in. Good news/bad news...
Gas buddy raised the limit in their cards during the gas price hike mid COVID to $150. But there are still a few gas stations around me that stop at $100.
Gas buddy raised the limit in their cards during the gas price hike mid COVID to $150. But there are still a few gas stations around me that stop at $100.
That’s built into the pump electronics. Around here they raised the $100 pump limit because people with larger tanks were complaining they couldn’t fill up. Had nothing to do with what type of card you were using.
I'd love to be able to fill my tank. My credit card stops at $100, and with these Bidenomics / California prices, I can let it go much past 1/2 tank :mad:
most of the stations i go to raise their limits to over $100 a while back.
That’s built into the pump electronics. Around here they raised the $100 pump limit because people with larger tanks were complaining they couldn’t fill up. Had nothing to do with what type of card you were using.
Fleet fuel cars have their own cut offs as well to prevent fraud. GasBuddy used to limit to $100 a day for the discount. With the higher prices, I couldn't fill my truck up from empty and couldn't fill two vehicles with the gas buddy card in the same day
I fueled up last night and the pump stopped at $75. I can't run the same card again, so I had to use another.

I can imagine what it will be like once I get the AUX fuel tank installed and the Truck holds 105 Gallons of Diesel.

Work work truck I can do 50 bucks at a time in at the nearest fuel stop to me, and only use it 3 times a day. It sucks. Personal truck and card I just run it again if it hits a hundred. Faster and easier when already parked, than it is to find another station and pull in later.

33 gallon tank should be standard on all the trucks. 23 is idiotic to have as a stock feature. ...as I'm buying a truck this week with a 23 gallon tank.
Work work truck I can do 50 bucks at a time in at the nearest fuel stop to me, and only use it 3 times a day. It sucks. Personal truck and card I just run it again if it hits a hundred. Faster and easier when already parked, than it is to find another station and pull in later.

33 gallon tank should be standard on all the trucks. 23 is idiotic to have as a stock feature. ...as I'm buying a truck this week with a 23 gallon tank.
It wasn't that many years ago a 22 gallon tank was big
Starting to sound like an unconstitutional way to control people's movement. Maybe this is in the wrong thread. ;)
I top off every week, but I put on about 250-275 a week in miles to and from work alone. Normally, I am around a 1/4 or just above that when filling up. Hawai’i stations mostly sell 10% ethanol and the ethanol free is at least $0.40-$0.55 cents higher per gallon, but hard to find.

I ran the Marine Corps Gas stations on island for 9 years and closed one station down because of the ethanol mix. A lot of factors were involved but the older e10 gas sitting in the storage tanks led to destroyed fuel pumps and fuel systems in cars that used that station.
This is why I say steer clear of slower gas stations unless it’s your last resort. Who knows how old that gas is. It’s your choice if you decide to let it sit with gas in it. It’s something else if you’re putting in bad gas right from the pump.

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