Spends too much time on here
Agreed. More prone to issues than the 8.4", based solely on this forum? Maybe. I still love mine.
Three times now, the 12" screen has goofed on me. Once, it kinda froze; the steering wheel buttons and physical buttons worked, screen would display what I was doing, but touch screen itself would not recognize touches. A key cycle (completely off, wait for screen to go black, and then on again) fixed that.
Twice at different times, after starting the truck again shortly after it had been turned off (while the screen was in the process of going black/shutting down), the screen stayed black and would not come on. Again, a key cycle fixed them as well.
If a simple restart/reboot (key cycle) fixes it, I'm not going to complain much. Probably means a software update could fix it from happening again, later down the road.
I agree, this forum will lead you to believe that the Ram is a PoS if you allow it. My 12" screen has acted up a few times but thats it.