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Price negotiated from MSRP

firecadet613 said:
FWIW, I called FCA Incentives. They found a $500 target direct mailer under my name.
Nice! How long is the incentive good for (aka if if takes 2 months to take delivery of your truck, will it still be valid)? I've seen in your other posts that you're coming from the Ford world. Safe to say that anyone should be able to call FCA Incentives and they might "find" a mailer under their name as well? Or do you think there was something unique about your situation?
firecadet613 said:
FWIW, I called FCA Incentives. They found a $500 target direct mailer under my name.
How can I find one?
I Love Grits said:
Nice! How long is the incentive good for (aka if if takes 2 months to take delivery of your truck, will it still be valid)? I've seen in your other posts that you're coming from the Ford world. Safe to say that anyone should be able to call FCA Incentives and they might "find" a mailer under their name as well? Or do you think there was something unique about your situation?
Request brochures. Request info on in stock trucks via dealers websites.

My offer expires June 2nd. I learned of my Ford Private Offer a month ago but just received the mailer yesterday ($2,000 off expires July 9th).

It's all a game, just need to learn how to play it.

My truck will arrive before it expires. If you order while it's valid, have the dealer lock it with your sold order.
firecadet613 said:
Request brochures. Request info on in stock trucks via dealers websites.

My offer expires June 2nd. I learned of my Ford Private Offer a month ago but just received the mailer yesterday ($2,000 off expires July 9th).

It's all a game, just need to learn how to play it.

My truck will arrive before it expires. If you order while it's valid, have the dealer lock it with your sold order.
So true FI, I've had a similar "b.s." situation ! The the $500 "Lure" usually does expire when ORDERING, but if you find what you want On-The-Lot, then use it ! Remember don't call them about this "gem" until your ORDER is ready to be shipped or slightly before, this way the Timing should work to your advantage . . . yup think of it as "a Game" ! Fun !?
Yep.... lock it in when you order, but don't mention it until your price is locked in!.
In general are people finding dealers more willing to negotiate on either in stock or special order trucks? I'm interested in a Longhorn with Ram boxes, etorque, offroad, etc. I'm assuming it could be late in the year before many like that are on lots, so I'm considering ordering.
Thanks. I'm a long time GMC owner who is very impressed with what I've seen in the new Rams.
Kapnbill said:
In general are people finding dealers more willing to negotiate on either in stock or special order trucks? I'm interested in a Longhorn with Ram boxes, etorque, offroad, etc. I'm assuming it could be late in the year before many like that are on lots, so I'm considering ordering.
Thanks. I'm a long time GMC owner who is very impressed with what I've seen in the new Rams.
Dealers want to move what they have in inventory - but bottom line, they want to sell you a truck. I'm getting a slightly not as good deal on an ordered truck - but I decided to order and not go back and forth for a few weeks. I'm paying $400 more on a ordered truck versus the in stock truck - but it's actually less - I'm not paying for stuff I don't want. And that $400 is based on comparing EP price to my price on both vehicles.
alacombe said:
Show us some pictures
Just got it today 5/7. I will try to get some pics. So roughly 65 days from order. Compared to my Ford eco and the Cummins 1ton, this drives like it's on rails. The Uconnect screen is ridiculously clear and intuitive. Gotta find a way to prevent the running boards from deploying if I don't want them (tight trails etc.), But have not been able to find that option. Fingers crossed.
CMENT said:
Just got it today 5/7. I will try to get some pics. So roughly 65 days from order. Compared to my Ford eco and the Cummins 1ton, this drives like it's on rails. The Uconnect screen is ridiculously clear and intuitive. Gotta find a way to prevent the running boards from deploying if I don't want them (tight trails etc.), But have not been able to find that option. Fingers crossed.
Congrats on the new truck. As for disabling the power running boards I believe there is a setting for that in the UConnect system.
CMENT said:
Just got it today 5/7. I will try to get some pics. So roughly 65 days from order. Compared to my Ford eco and the Cummins 1ton, this drives like it's on rails. The Uconnect screen is ridiculously clear and intuitive. Gotta find a way to prevent the running boards from deploying if I don't want them (tight trails etc.), But have not been able to find that option. Fingers crossed.
Pics please. Yes there is an option to disable the running boards.
I ordered a 2019 Limited yesterday.

MSRP 67,975
Discount 6,409
FCA Cash Back 1,000
Selling price 60,566

If there are any additional incentives from FCA at time of delivery I will get those as well.

Now the waiting begins
I've just ordered my Limited and got the order confirmation from my dealer. It has two columns, "MSRP (USD)" (which I know) and "FWP (USD)" which I don't know. What does the "FWP" mean?
YardSale said:
I've just ordered my Limited and got the order confirmation from my dealer. It has two columns, "MSRP (USD)" (which I know) and "FWP (USD)" which I don't know. What does the "FWP" mean?
Factory Wholesale Price (aka invoice).
Which leads me to the next question......Under that I've got "HB", which I'm guessing is the hold back, and then FFP and EP? Just wondering how/if I can use this to my advantage?
You should be below invoice but above EP before rebates are applied.
YardSale said:
Which leads me to the next question......Under that I've got "HB", which I'm guessing is the hold back, and then FFP and EP? Just wondering how/if I can use this to my advantage?
Friends & Family Pricing - FFP

Employee Pricing - EP

Did you and the dealer not already agree on the sale price prior to them ordering it?
Actually no......LOL! And I've yet to give them any $$$ for the order! I suppose buying previous vehicles from them counted for something however in my discussions with the sales guy he actually ordered the vehicle before I committed to a price. I should also mention that I told them I'd be using USAA's buying service for the purchase.
Interesting! To FIRECADET613's point, a good target is "below invoice but above EP before rebates are applied". There are some dealers who will offer below EP without any negotiations (Dennis Dillon is probably the most commonly known), and then there are those dealers who aren't offering any off MSRP other than current incentives.

The numbers people are posting in this thread are nice to review and to get an idea of what kind of % off MSRP is the "average". Whether you can reach an agreement with your current dealer or not is the important question.

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