Here’s an interesting tidbit from Mopar, they “revised” my order swapping the UCA part #s from the lift kit parts with these UCAs.
Upper Control Arm, right 68282382AC
Upper Control Arm, left 68282383AC
I emailed them to let them know I am altering the vehicle height and need UCAs for that referencing the lift kit but haven’t received a response. When I look up these two part numbers, it looks like they fit all trims with or without air ride, so am I to assume they have the extra range of motion in the ball joint to accommodate for the air suspension trucks additional ride height/lift?
It looks like one of the UCAs from the kit is being discontinued.
Upper Control Arm, right 68282382AC
Upper Control Arm, left 68282383AC
I emailed them to let them know I am altering the vehicle height and need UCAs for that referencing the lift kit but haven’t received a response. When I look up these two part numbers, it looks like they fit all trims with or without air ride, so am I to assume they have the extra range of motion in the ball joint to accommodate for the air suspension trucks additional ride height/lift?
It looks like one of the UCAs from the kit is being discontinued.