That’s interesting. I actually did disconnect the 12 volt battery for about 40 minutes and cleaned up the terminals which weren’t dirty but thought maybe disconnecting them might reset something. I’ve disconnected the 12 volt battery numerous times over the years to reset my vehicle wifi. My WiFi will just go out and if I disconnect the battery, it always reboots itself and the WiFi reconnects.
I don't know anything about the details of the needs of the many individual control modules scattered around modern vehicles, but I do know that my 2020 Ram gets crosswise if (A) a given OTA (over-the-air) update didn't go to completion before I shut it down, or (B) my truck sits for long enough that multiple updates get stacked up in series.
The engineering tech support folks at Banks Power told me to leave the 12 V battery disconnected for a couple of hours, then reconnect it and let it sit overnight, to give it plenty of time to run whatever updates it might have to do, then drive the truck for at least an hour, then let it sit for at least two hours after shutoff (but with 12 V still connected) to let it settle itself down again.
My guess is that the bandwidth of the OTA downloads is relatively slow, then the installation times are fairly slow, so it's not exactly fast like maybe our modern smartphones or a brand new laptop are for updates. And if, say, it has to update the engine control module and the body control module and who knows what other modules need updating, maybe it can only do one at a time, so it takes longer than we might assume it will.
It's maddening to me, and I don't think it should be this way, but for me that's how it goes. One confounding factor I have is that, due to an unexpected change in life, my truck can sit 3-4 weeks between uses (with a Noco Genius battery conditioner always connected). I think people who drive their trucks regularly, and where the truck is on for 1-2 hours at a stretch, I think the OTAs go smoother and unnoticed than for my low-use case where multiple module updates can get stacked up waiting for a restart to complete themselves.
All that just FWIW. I know my situation is probably quite different from most Ram owners, but the method the tech support folks at Banks Power taught me has done the trick every time my Ram has started acting wonky, as long as I am patient and follow their procedure all the way through and give the truck the time it needs to complete things as expected and settle itself down.