In case anyone's interested this is how I did mine:
I ran 8 gauge power and ground from the battery, follow along the frame, up the bed into this "distribution box" that I made.

I have Blue Sea fuse panel for the switches (to complete the circuit) and a Blue Sea Grounded Fuse Block because that's what I have on hand use as ground (yes, I used a grounded fuse block as ground terminal)
Plus, I figured if I want to I can always add more stuff to it.
I also house my solar controller inside as well.

I use this to power red LED strip tucked under my RTT as general camp light. Red is easier on the eyes in darkness and does not attract flying insects.

The box also controls white "cooking lights," which are 20 LEDs placed on top of the tailgate area when the tailgate is down.
This is because I can't tell how cooked a piece of steak is with red lights, since red lights make everything... red.
I also have a 12v outlet on the ammo can as well, also switched. The whole housing is installed on to the bed rails.