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Order Tracking

So are all of the 21 orders built yet?
In this thread, I posted a chart showing what I’m tracking for 2021 orders. There are still a handful of undelivered trucks, plus the Canadian orders that I’m not tracking.

I ordered mine from Mark Dodge this week, and we're considering flying in from MD and driving it home. I had some thoughts about having them meet us in New Orleans with the truck, but then I'm not the one putting on the first 300 miles, and I really can't expect that the dealer would drive it as specified by the owner's manual. I'm sure they just hit the highway and try to get there and back as quickly as possible. The drive home should be nice, we're planning to make a vacation of it...whenever the truck is ready.

I asked them about the break-in, knowing what the manual said but dreading driving backroads for the first 300 miles home. The service advisor said that it's more important to just avoid a constant speed for more than say 20 minutes at a time--vary it. Well, that was easier to do with periods of rain slowing traffic significantly and the occasional city like Baton Rouge along the way, which also slowed us down. I found that during my drive, except near the cities, traffic along I-10 didn't move terribly fast. It's mostly 70mph and I could fall in behind some people (often tractor trailers) going 65, so I could go a little slower without holding anyone up. If I went 75 in a 70, I was passing 95%+ of the traffic.
If there's no difference between 21's/22's other than some interior color options, I wonder if FCA will start producing both years side by side?
Not mine!
Seems like we're in the same boat, my estimated build day is 8/2, estimated ship date 8/8. They will not be converting to a 22. If it actually does ship the 8th, looking like 17-18 weeks from order to delivery. I know I'm in New Hampshire and it's close to Canada but wow, It's surprising the length of time. I started getting my hopes earlier on since I ordered a Big Horn with basically no tech, but that's Just my luck I guess.
I'm seeing 11 of you (on this forum) that are (1) non-Canadian, and (2) have yet to see your orders. I updated my chart to show your usernames.

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Thank you for all of your work on this. My order will be here in just a few more days so I will be right around 90 days +/- (or just shy of 13 weeks) when it does arrive at the dealer. I have said this on other posts but it is worth repeating, my dealer/sales guy made it very clear from the onset that our truck would not be here until July or August. That was way back in late April. They nailed the estimated order to delivery time. I am amazed at that given all of the shortages and whatnot.
We expect to get our truck next week but it will only be 20 miles home. The bummer is that until the truck comes we only have one vehicle ('98 Corvette). My wife doesn't drive any more (dementia) so we will have our sales guy drive her and the truck to our house and I will drive the Corvette. I wish the maiden cruise would be under my command but logistics prevent that as I won't let him drive the little red car. I will drive the truck to take him back to the dealership so it won't be a long wait for my first cruise (not counting the pre-signing test drive).

When I went to pick up my '21 Laramie. I walked to the Mall, 1/4 mile, Got
picked up by the intercity Bus. Dropped off at the larger City , 20 miles, and
waited for the Salesman to pick me up, 1 mile from the Dealer.

When I went to pick up my '21 Laramie. I walked to the Mall, 1/4 mile, Got
picked up by the intercity Bus. Dropped off at the larger City , 20 miles, and
waited for the Salesman to pick me up, 1 mile from the Dealer.

The nearest public transit for us would be a 15 mile walk and most of that on very steep roads until the last couple of miles.
That is one of the few disadvantages of living in a very beautiful forest setting out in the sticks.
That was just the warm up trip! Driving from SK to ON next month for summer vacation.

Hope you get some good news soon!

Depending on where you’re going in Ontario, keep an eye on the forest fires. If you’re going past Dryden we have a lot of fires that are burning close to Hwy 17 and might affect your travel plans. Let alone the massive fires we’ve got further north.
I ordered around noon Hawaii time, so 6pm in the East, I wonder what time they shutdown ordering for 21’s on the fifth.
I think that different areas or dealers had different ordering windows for the MY. My dealer "claimed" that the last day that they could order '21s was on April 30. They may have been blowing smoke but not sure why they would do that.
I'm seeing 11 of you (on this forum) that are (1) non-Canadian, and (2) have yet to see your orders. I updated my chart to show your usernames.

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Thought I'd add my delivery data point - April 28th order date, vehicle arrived to the dealership on [fixed, forgot I was traveling on Monday haha] Tuesday. Got my airfare arranged and will be picking it up next week, very excited.
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Thought I'd add my delivery data point - April 28th order date, vehicle arrived to the dealership on [fixed, forgot I was traveling on Monday haha] Tuesday. Got my airfare arranged and will be picking it up next week, very excited.
Not sure why/how I missed your data. You're not in Canada, are you?
Just got word from our dealer that the rail car with our truck on it is about 80 miles east of Portland, OR. From Portland to our dealer is an eighty mile truck ride.

It is now nearly certain that we will take delivery sometime next week. I do not know how long it takes for "dealer prep" nor how long before it will get on the semi-trailer for the last leg.
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In this thread, I posted a chart showing what I’m tracking for 2021 orders. There are still a handful of undelivered trucks, plus the Canadian orders that I’m not tracking.

Rear ended by semi - 4/26 Truck totaled -4/27 ordered identical truck personally at dealers 4/28 order sent to Ram 4/29
I was told last possible order date was 4/30. vin 812687 Sterling Heights factory currently shut down

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