Mostly just a lot of freeway driving between Los Angeles County and Riverside County. But no towing for work, just taking my boat to Lake Havasu on the weekends in the summer.
I think the intercooler tube leaks are pretty minor, its just soot and crap from the EGR but when i take it all apart I'm going to see if i can find some new seals at the hardware store. I checked with the dealer and the only OEM option is to buy whole new tubes which are like $450/ea.
The stuck swirl valves in the intake manifold is from the EGR sending soot back into the intake and it eventually clogs it up. Only way to fix it is to do an EGR delete which is illegal, especially in California where I am. So I'll just be doing a new intake every 150k miles or so i guess.
Oh ya, forgot to mention my timing cover seal leaks which seems to be a common problem on these trucks but a royal PITA to fix, looks like i have to take the whole front end off to get to it.