So I definitely didn't need to change the oil as my truck only has 100 miles on it but I wanted to get the factory filter off sooner than later. My thought is that if I wait until 5 - 7,000 miles it could become harder to take off. At any rate I just did an oil change and the plug dripping on the sway bar isn't an issue at all - just wipe it off when it's done dripping. I have a 4x4 and the filter is kind of a PITA and you really have to wrench it from the front. I tried the bag thing as I've done with many GMCs that I've owned but it didn't go very well with this Ram. I ended up just breaking (mangling) the filter loose a few turns and letting it drip into the pan I had underneath it. After it was finished dripping, I took a bottle of rubbing alcohol and, from the front, squirted it all over the components that the oil from the filter dripped on. Finished it by wiping those components with an alcohol soaked rag. Looks like new and really didn't take all that much effort. How good rubbing alc is for the steering components? We'll see.
I can perhaps see the bag working for future changes when the filter isn't on as tight as the factory one.
Rubbing alc is my friend anytime I'm working with oily parts. Applied to a rag, it cleans the tools, oil soaked under carriage components, and your hands if needed and it's cheap. Total side note: soak one of your wife's cotton makeup remover discs / pads in alc and put it under your charcoal chimney to start your Q.