Thanks for your writeup! So I'm trying to get the parts together from what you listed in your posts on the first page, does this look right to you?
PPE Pan:
ZF Cast Aluminum Deep Transmission Pan 8-Speed, 13-25 RAM/Dodge/Jeep/BMW, The PPE ZF 8-Speed Pan regulates the transmission heat and keeps the transmission fluid viscosity in a desirable range
Mopar Gasket (possibly not needed as per
@Quark )
Mopar 68172556AA 8 Speed Automatic Transmission Oil Pan Gasket for the 8HP45, 8HP50 ,8HP70, 8HP75 ZF 8 Speed is required for the transmission service. This Mopar ZF Series 8 Speed Automatic Transmission Pan Gasket ensures a leak-free service of your 2001 to 2025 ZF Series 8 Speed Automatic...
PPE Filters (the PPE Pan comes with one filter, this is for additional/future servicing)
8HP70 PPE Transmission Pan Filter (228058600) Applications: 2013-2018 Ram 1500 ZF 8HP70 Transmission V6, V8 and Eco Diesel
PPE O-rings:
O-Ring for 1 inch Drain/Fill Plug (128051002)
I'm left confused about the o-rings, I can't figure out whether you ended up with the ones I posted right above or not. You said you cleaned a green o-ring and reinstalled, not sure which one was leaking and which one you ended up with.