I also have noticed this loud pop or click noise when starting. I thought it may be a backfire and having something to do with Multi cylinder deactivation system during start up causing a backfire or something.
Why would you get charged $169 for a warranty concern? Since Tuesday when I got my last bang on start up I've only used remote start and it hasn't banged once. I was parking my truck and I saw a red 2019 Ram Rebel a couple spots away. I parked and lowered my windows right when the owner came out and started his truck, guess what? Big loud bang like we all been getting.
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Are you thinking you'd like to bring this to the attention of your dealer? If you end up getting an inspection, let us know. We're available via direct message and would be happy to help.
Ram Social Care Specialist
At some point, yes. I suffer from dealer-phobia though. Seems like every time I take it to the dealer it comes home with a new problem. For instance, last week it was there because of a factory/assembly quality problem and it was given back to me with a scratched-up fender flare. I was provided a new one. Also, since this issue is intermittent, I have very little faith that they will actually be able to diagnose and fix the issue. I'm going to see if I can capture it closer to the source on a GoPro and go from there.
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Can the RAM care specialist contact me? I am having the same problem and have been to the dealership. They said it needs to break or the FCA needs to come out with a bulletin to fix it. They said its not there problem the FCA says it a problem. Extremely rude! I was able to replicate the problem over and over. They don't care and said when it breaks come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!! less than 300 miles on the new truck.Hi david55838,
I certainly understand your reason for not wanting to visit the dealer. We would like to have this looked into further by the appropriate team. If you are experiencing this, please send us a private message with your VIN and mileage.
Ram Social Care Specialist
Can the RAM care specialist contact me? I am having the same problem and have been to the dealership. They said it needs to break or the FCA needs to come out with a bulletin to fix it. They said its not there problem the FCA says it a problem. Extremely rude! I was able to replicate the problem over and over. They don't care and said when it breaks come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!! less than 300 miles on the new truck.
It's strange, but I never had a clank with remote start.I've definitely heard the clank when using remote start, and I'm pretty sure most of us are consistent enough with our pedal pressure's that this shouldn't be a variable.
The noise seems to be pretty much driveshaft related. I need to get out in the heat and finally just tighten the flange bolts and see what happens.
Well I would like to report that I was able to clearly reproduce the startup sound by pushing hard on the brake pedal (three start ups - 2 hard brake pedal pressure with bang sound, 1 light brake pedal pressure no bang).Hello from Kazakhstan. 1st of all, sorry for my english.
I've bought 2019 RAM REBEL at Dec,18. I hear this "startup-knocking" from the beginning of RAM use. Now it has 4000km of mileage.
My observations suggest that:
1. The sound happens at the start when PRESSING THE BRAKE PEDAL ONLY.
2. With a remote start there is no sound.
I found the following solution for this feature and I'm using this way and reccomend it for you all:
If you want to start engine by push-start and don't want to hear this unpleasant sound:
I have not heard this sound for 2 weeks when I start the engine with a lightly pressed brake pedal.
My answer your early question:
The reason that the sound happens 2or3or4 times of 10 is only that these times you are harder on the brake pedal. that's all!
It's not just our truck that does it. These ZF HP transmissions are the cause, F150s have the clank worse than ours.
If i bring it in and they “cant duplicate the problem” or determine nothing is wrong, i get charged a dianostics fee. If they do find something wrong and determine something needs to be fixed, the fee is reimbursed.